Journal Entries

Make the following menu selections to display this grid:

eFinancials—General Ledger—Transactions—Journal Entry, or

Job Cost—Transactions—Journal Entry

Use the grid to manage general ledger journal entries: add, edit, and delete.

Use Add/Edit Journal Entries (click on a JE# in the grid) to add, edit, or delete information for the general ledger journal entry.

About Journal Entries


ClosedJournal Entries - Grid

The following fields appear on the Journal Entries grid.


Add Journal Entry (button)

Use this button to add a journal entry.

Add Job Cost Journal Entry (button)

Use this button to add a Job Cost journal entry. This field appears only when Track Jobs is turned on.

Include Approved Journal Entries (check box)

Select this option if you want approved journal entries included in the grid display below.

Include Invalid EntityCompany Journal Entries (check box)

Select this option if you want to include invalid entitycompany journal entries in the grid display below. This check box only displays if the Allow Incomplete Journal Entries and Allow Include Invalid EntityCompany Journal Entries permissions are selected at System—Security—Users or Roles. Refer to Effect of Policies and Permissions for more information.


The grid shows existing journal entries.


Filter Buttons Filter button in column headers allow you to change what appears in the grid.

JE #

The journal entry number that appears on lists and in reports.


Indicates if the journal entry is complete or not. This column only displays if the Allow Incomplete Journal Entries and Allow Include Invalid EntityCompany Journal Entries permissions are selected at System—Security—Users or Roles. Refer to Effect of Policies and Permissions for more information.


The date of the journal that appears on lists and in reports. Click this column title to sort the list.


The description of the journal that appears on lists and in reports. Click this column title to sort the list.

Batch ID

The batch identification number for the batch that the journal entry is in. Click this column title to sort the list.

Job Cost

Indicator Yes or No, the journal entry is a Job Cost journal entry. This field only appears if you are using Job Cost.


The amount of the journal entry. Click this column title to sort the list.


One of the following icons appears in this column:

No documents are currently stored for the journal entry. Click the icon to upload documents for the journal entry.

At least one document is currently stored for the purchase order. Rest your mouse pointer on the icon to see the number of documents stored. Click the icon to view, add, or delete documents.

For more information, refer to the Documents Tab instructions.


Use the Delete icon   to delete a journal entry.


Company | Batch (Footer Links)

Make changes using the Footer Links to use the appropriate combination of Company and Batch.

Entity | Property | Batch (Footer Links)

Make changes using the Footer Links to select the appropriate combination of Entity, Property, and Batch.

ClosedAdd/Edit Journal Entry - Form

The following fields appear on the Add/Edit Journal Entry page.

NOTE that a red dot Field required indicator indicates a required field or selection.

General Fields

JE # Field required indicator

The system-generated journal entry number. Accept the system-generated number or enter another number. This number appears on lists and in reports. Global policies set on the Other Tab affect this field.

Journal Date Field required indicator

Enter the date for the transaction using the electronic calendar.

Auto-Rev Date

Enter the date for the automatic reversal transaction for this journal using the  electronic calendar.

Or, click the Set to next period button. When you click this button, the system inserts the first date of the next period into the Auto-Rev Date field.

Amount Field required indicator

Enter the amount of the transaction using the format 0000000000.00 or -000000000.00.

EntityCompany ID

This field defaults based on the current entitycompany selection, although you can change it using the Lookup Footer.

For a general ledger intercompany transaction, be sure to select the source entitycompany in this field. If you select an entitycompany that is not set up in the GL Intercompany setup as a source entitycompany, nothing happens when you attempt to create intercompany transactions. Refer to GL Intercompany Transactions Overview for more information.

Description Field required indicator

Enter a description for this journal.

Create detail lines for Alt EntityCompany

Click this box to add a check mark if you want the system to create additional line items for an alternate entitycompany. Refer to Data Entry Shortcut for more information.

Journal Entry Details


A system-generated sequential number that identifies a transaction. You cannot edit this field.

EntityCompany ID

This field defaults based on the selection made in the EntityCompany ID field above. Accept this default or click the Lookup Button to select another entitycompany for the transaction.


Click the Lookup and select a Job ID for the invoice. This field only appears if you are using Job Cost.


The Job ID field cannot be left blank if Phase, Cost, or Cost Type are filled in. Phase and Cost may be disabled, if the cost breakdown for the Job does not use Phase or Cost.

The policy Post to non-existent Phase and Cost Codes - Invoice Entry on the Company/Entity Policy Groups Settings grid affects the Phase and Cost fields. Refer to the Grid Fields for more information.


Click the Lookup and select a Phase for the invoice. This field only appears if you are using Job Cost, and may be disabled, based on the Job's Cost Breakdown level set up on the Job Cost General Tab.


Click the Lookup and select a Cost for the invoice. This field only appears if you are using Job Cost, and may be disabled, based on the Job's Cost Breakdown level set up on the Job Cost General Tab.


Click the Lookup and select a Cost Type for the invoice. Selecting a Cost Type populates Phase and Cost also. This field only appears if you are using Job Cost, and may be disabled, based on the Job's Cost Breakdown level set up on the Job Cost General Tab.

GL Account

Click the Lookup Button to select an account for the transaction from the Select GL Account pop-up.

Account Desc

When you select a GL account for the transaction, this field defaults to the description associated with the GL Account.


The description defaults from the entry made in the Description field above. Accept this default or edit the description.

More More Information icon

Click the More icon  More Information icon to open the More Information pop-up that contains the following fields so you can capture additional information about the transaction line item. These are not required fields.

The validation of the amounts on the More icon vs. the line item amount does not include the Cash Out amount.


The fields in Column 1 appear in all cases, but the fields in Column 2 show based on Job/No Job + Cost Type.

When the detail line on the JE is not job related, these fields show in Column 2:

Column 2: None.

When the detail line on the JE is job related, for cost type O, M, S and A, these fields show:

Column 2: Rate, Quantity, Extended Amount, Committed Spent, Cash Out.

When the detail line on the JE is job related, for cost type E, these fields show:

Column 2: Rate, Quantity, Extended Amount, Hours, Committed Spent, Cash Out.

When the detail line on the JE is job related, for cost type L, these fields show:

Column 2: Rate, Quantity, Extended Amount, Hours, Overtime Hours, Overtime Amount, Fringe, Burden, Cash Out.

Column 1

Seq Number — This field defaults to the sequence number for the line item.

PropertyCompany — Click the Lookup Button to select a propertycompany for the transaction detail being entered.  This field appears only if the setup GL Accounts Track Units? option is turned on.

Building — Enter a building name. Refer to Unit Tracking Overview for more information.  This field appears only if the setup GL Accounts Track Units? option is turned on.

Unit —  Enter a unit identification.  This field appears only if the setup GL Accounts Track Units? option is turned on.

Reference — Enter additional information about the transaction line item (for example, the check ID or Vendor ID).

Retainage — Enter any Retainage amount for the transaction line item.

You can see the Retainage amount in Job Inquiry, the Income Summary section, when you click on Billed to Date and then look at the detail lines for the journal entry; the amount is in the Retainage Amount column.

Column 2

When adding a Job Cost Journal Entry, fields in this column are available when adding Job lines.

Cost Rate — Enter a cost rate.

Quantity — Enter a value for quantity.

Extended AmountEnter an extended amount.

Total HoursEnter the total regular hours.

Overtime HoursEnter overtime hours.

Overtime AmountEnter overtime amount.

FringeEnter the fringe amount.

BurdenEnter the burden amount.

Cash OutEnter the cash outlay amount.

Billing Rate — Enter the billing rate. This field is available only when the line is for a T & M Job with the Cost Type of Labor.

Billing Amount— Enter the billing amount. This field is available only when the line is for a T & M Job with the Cost Type of Labor.

Save (button) — Click the button to save the information in the pop-up.


Enter the amount of the transaction using the format 0000000000.00 or -000000000.00. When adding a credit, type a minus sign ( - ) before your entry.


Use the Delete button to delete a transaction line item detail. Note that you are deleting one transaction line item detail but not the transaction.

Debit Total

The system-generated total of the debits entered for this general ledger journal entry based on the transactions appearing on this tab. Debits and credits must balance before the transactions in this general ledger journal entry can be saved or approved.

Credit Total

The system-generated total of the credits entered for this general ledger journal entry based on the transactions appearing on this tab. Debits and credits must balance before the transactions in this general ledger journal entry can be saved or approved.

ClosedAdd/Edit Journal Entry - Buttons


The following buttons can appear on the Add/Edit Journal Entry page. You can select buttons at any time during journal entry (or Beginning Balance) processing.


Click to exit without saving changes.


If the global policy to allow Incomplete Journals is on and user has permission for incomplete journals, the Cancel button works differently:

Print Proof Listing

Click to generate a journal entry proof listing in PDF format. The report includes all of the detail line item transactions for the journal entry. For an incomplete journal entry, clicking Print Proof Listing will print the Incomplete Journal Entry List. Use the print capabilities of PDF to print the report.

Create IC Trans

Click to start intercompany processing. Processing creates intercompany balancing detail line item transactions, and then displays this tab again with the additional transactions at the end. For more information, refer to GL Intercompany Transactions Overview.

Each time this button is selected, intercompany processing deletes previously processed transactions and creates a new set of intercompany transactions based on the intercompany relationships set up on GL Intercompany Tab Setup. Recreating the transactions each time allows you to change the relationships in set up and process intercompany transactions until the necessary transactions are created.

Save Buttons

Save buttons are affected by global policies. If the global policy to allow Incomplete Journals is on and the user has permission for incomplete journals, the Save Incomplete and Save Complete buttons are available. Otherwise, the Save button is available.


Click to save your changes. Detail line item transactions in the journal entry must balance—that is, total debits must equal total credits—before the system allows you to save.

Save Incomplete

Click to save your changes as incomplete journal entries. Detail line item transactions in the journal entry do not have to balance—that is, total debits do not have to equal total credits—before the system allows you to save.


ClosedTo Locate Journal Entries

  1. Use the following options in the Journal Entries grid header to change what appears in the grid (refer to the Journal Entries - Grid fields list for help):

    - Include Approved Journal Entries
    - Include Invalid EntityCompany Journal Entries

    The grid refreshes to show journal entries based on your selections.
  2. To refine your search, locate journal entries using any of these methods:

    Click a column title to sort the list.

    Filter ButtonsFilter button in column headers to change what appears in the grid.

    Use grid pagination controls to view another page of the grid.

ClosedTo Drill Down for Details

Refer to the Journal Entries - Grid Fields list for additional information.

NOTE that users must have view / edit permissions for the detail pages granted in the System module to view / edit detail pages.

  1. Locate the journal entry you want to view or edit. Refer to the To Find Journal Entries procedure, above, for help.
  2. Select the link in the JE # column. The Edit Journal Entry form appears.
  3. Users with the proper permissions can view and edit open items.

ClosedTo Add a Journal Entry

  1. At the Journal Entries Grid, in the title bar at the top of the page, verify that the date is correct. If not, change it to Date you want to use.
  2. Use the Footer Links to select a Company and Batchan Entity, Property and Batch for the Journal Entry. Selections you make become the defaults for adding Journal Entries.
  3. Click Add Journal Entry. The Journal Entry form appears.

    Or, if you have no selected batch, the Select Batch tab appears. Use the tab to select or add a batch.
  4. Use the field list on the Add/Edit Journal Entry page to complete each journal entry.
  5. If the journal entry includes intercompany transactions, click the Create IC Trans button.
  6. To generate a report on the detail line item transactions making up the journal entry, click Print Proof Listing.
  7. To save, click Save Incomplete or Save Complete based on global policy settings.
  8. Click Save. The Journal Entry grid appears.

ClosedTo Edit a Journal Entry

  1. Locate the journal entry you want to edit. Refer to the To Find Journal Entries procedure, above, for help.
  2. Click the link in the JE # column for the journal entry you want to edit. The Add/Edit Journal Entry page appears.
  3. Make changes as desired. Refer to the Add/Edit Journal Entry field list for help.
  4. If the journal entry includes intercompany transactions, click Create IC Trans.
  5. To generate a report on the detail line item transactions making up the journal entry, click Print Proof Listing.
  6. Click Save. The Journal Entry grid appears again.

ClosedTo Delete a Detail Line Item


Only unapproved journal entries can be deleted.

  1. Locate the journal entry that has the line item you want to delete. Refer to the To Find Journal Entries procedure, above, for help.
  2. Click the link in the JE # column for the journal entry. The Add/Edit Journal Entry page appears.
  3. Click the Delete icon for the line item detail you want to delete. The system deletes the line item detail immediately.
  4. If the journal entry includes intercompany transactions, click Create IC Trans.
  5. To generate a report on the detail line item transactions making up the journal entry, click the Print Proof Listing.
  6. Click Save. The Journal Entry grid appears.

ClosedTo Delete a Unit Tracking Association


Only unapproved journal entries can be deleted.

  1. Locate the journal entry you want to edit. Refer to the To Find Journal Entries procedure, above, for help.
  2. Click the link in the JE # column for the journal entry with the unit tracking association want to delete. The Add/Edit Journal Entry page appears.
  3. Click the More icon. The More Information pop-up appears.
  4. Click the Delete icon for the unit tracking association you want to delete. The unit tracking association is deleted immediately.
  5. Click Save. The Journal Entry grid displays.

ClosedTo Delete a Journal Entry


Only unapproved journal entries can be deleted. Automatic reversing journal entries cannot be deleted.

  1. Locate the journal entry you want to delete. Refer to the To Find Journal Entries procedure, above, for help.
  2. Click the Delete icon for the journal entry you want to delete. The journal entry tab display.
  3. Click Confirm Delete. The Journal Entry grid displays again.

See Also

Batch Tab (select)

Batches Overview

Batch Restrictions

Effect of Policies and Permissions

Effect of Setup and Global Policies

General Ledger Introduction  

Incomplete Journal Entry List

Intercompany Transactions Overview

Unit Tracking Overview


General Ledger Introduction

Job Costing Introduction