Filter Button  

The Filter button displays to the right of column headings on various grids throughout eFinancials. As you add entries to this application, you may want to use the Filter button to make finding a specific entries easier. Click the Filter button and then use the fields on the pop-up form that opens to locate specific entries.

About Filtering a Grid with Check Boxes

When you use a filter button to filter the results on a grid, if the grid contains check boxes then all the new, filtered results will be reselected—even if you uncheck some of the check boxes before filtering. Also, clearing the filter(s) will bring back all the original results from initial search and they all will be selected.

To Find an Entry

  1. Click the Filter button. The pop-up form opens.
  2. Complete the filter criteria by selecting at least one option from the drop-down lists and entering at least one search string into the blank fields.


To search for the Company ID: MO109, make any of these selections:

Show rows with value that
[Is equal to] [MO109]
Show rows with value that
[Starts with] [M]
Show rows with value that
[Contains] [109]
Show rows with value that
[Starts with] [M] And [Ends with] [9]


Drop-down options for the filter are:

  1. Click Filter. The result displays in the grid.

See Also

Buttons, Icons, and Links


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