Beginning Balance

Make the following menu selections to display Beginning Balance:

eFinancials—General Ledger—Transactions—Beginning Balance

Use this menu item to manage general ledger beginning balances. A beginning balance the is financial starting point that you want to establish, upon which all future financials will be based.

After adding beginning balances, you can use the Account Inquiry Tab to see beginning balance entries.

ClosedCreate Journal Criteria Fields

A red dot Field required indicator indicates a required field or selection.

Journal Date Field required indicator

The date that is the financial starting point you want to establish for this journal. Use the electronic calendar to enter a date.


Options that tell the system what accounts you want to include when you are setting up the journal. Options include:
All accounts
P&L accounts
Balance Sheet accounts

Create Journal

Click the button to create a journal.

If your system is set up to allow incomplete journal entries, the new journal is created as an incomplete journal entry when you click the Create Journal button.

NOTE that when not saved, the information entered is retained as an incomplete journal entry.

ClosedDetail Fields List


Refer to fields list for Add/Edit Journal Entry for information about journal lines, totals, and buttons.

A red dot Field required indicator indicates a required field or selection.

These fields appear after you click the Create Journal button.

JE # Field required indicator

The system-generated journal entry number. This number appears on lists and in reports. For a new beginning balance, the default is NEW (editable).

Journal Date Field required indicator

Enter the date for the beginning balance for this journal using the electronic calendar.

Auto-Rev Date

Enter the date for the automatic reversal transaction for the beginning balance for this journal using the  electronic calendar.

Or, click the Set to next period button. When you click this button, the system inserts the first date of the next period into the Auto-Rev Date field.

Amount Field required indicator

Enter the amount for the beginning balance for this journal using the format 0000.00.

EntityCompany ID

Click the Lookup Button to display the Select EntityCompany Tab and select an EntityCompany for the beginning balance for this journal.

Description Field required indicator

Enter a description for the beginning balance for this journal.


Select the type of detail you want for these journal entries: Cost or Income. The detail lines are different based on your selection.

This field appears only when Track Jobs is turned on.

NOTE that Beginning Balance and Journal Entry are similar but not the same.


Company | BatchEntity | Property | Batch (Footer Links)

To select a different company, use the Footer Link.

To select a different entity, use the Footer Links.

ClosedTo Create the Beginning Balance Journal

  1. From Footer Links, select an EntityCompany.
  2. At Journal Date, use the electronic calendar to enter a date.
  3. At Accounts, select one of the following types of accounts:
    All accounts
    P&L accounts
    Balance Sheet accounts
  4. Click Create Journal. The Edit Journal Entry: New page appears.
  5. Refer to the Fields List for information about how to complete the page.
  6. Click Save.

See Also

Add/Edit Journal Entry  

General Ledger Overview