Settings Grid — EntityCompany Policy Groups

Make the following menu selections to display the Settings grid:

eFinancials (or ePO)—Setup—Global Setup—Policies—EntityCompany Policy Groups—Settings link

Use this grid to set up and manage settings. These settings apply to the selected Group.

Grid Fields List

Category Settings Fields


ClosedTo Add or Edit Settings

  1. From the EntityCompany Policy Group grid, click the Settings link for a Group. The Settings grid appears.
  2. In the Setting column, check or uncheck the boxes for any setting(s) you want to turn on or off.

    NOTE that if the Setting box for Job Cost - Track Jobs is checked, additional settings are available.
  3. For each setting, accept the default or select another option. Use the Category Settings Fields lists in this topic for help.
  4. When done making changes, click Save.

See Also

EntityCompany Policy Groups

Filter button

Setup Introduction - eFinancials

Setup Introduction - ePO

Company/Entity Property Groups Overview