Jobs Tabs

Make the following menu selections to display these tabs:

Setup—Job Costing—Jobs

Use these tabs to manage the setup of Jobs.

Loading the Job

When the job loads, the following fields are the same on the AIA, T & M Setup, and Contract tabs.

Contract #, Start Date, Estimated Completion Date, and Orig. Contract Amount

These fields do not stay synchronized if you change the Billing Type on the General Tab. For example, if you change the Billing Type and then change values in any of those fields, the system does not change those values on the other tabs. Rather, the system saves changes to the active tab only.

Copying T & M Billing and Markup Information

Duplicate Job also copies the T & M Billing and Markup information.

Copy Database in the eFinancials module also copies the Job T & M Billing and Markup information.

See Also

Jobs Grid

Job Cost Introduction

User Codes - Associated Pages


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