GL Reports Introduction

General ledger reports use information from the general ledger to prepare financial statements. The general ledger receives and stores business transactions from other applications—for example, Accounts Payable—and general ledger reports present that information in the form of financial statements.


You can create a shortcut to print a group (series) of reports at one time using the Series of Reports Tab.

ClosedAvailable GL Reports

EntityCompany Selections Required

Before generating these reports, you must have made current EntityCompany selections. Also, when printing customized general ledger reports, you must have already set up report formats.

Report Drill Downs

Drill downs are available for certain reports based on the column and row clicked. The drill-down provides information for the Period selected on the parameter form.



The following reports are available.

Actual Budget Analysis** ¨

Adjusted Cash Balance

Balance Sheet*

Bank Reconciliation

Budget Analysis

Budget Detail

Cash Balance Report*

Cash Flow Statement

Chart of Accounts

Company List

Comparative Balance Sheet* ¨

Consolidated General Ledger

Department List

Entity List

General Journal

General Ledger

GL Batch Totals

GL Intercompany List

Incomplete Journal Entry List


P & L**

P & L QTD**

P & L 3 Month** ¨

P & L 12 Month* ¨

P & L Annualized*

P & L Comparative**

P & L Variance**¨

P & L Variance Forecast**

Recurring Journal Entry List

Sales Tax

Statement of Operations**

Trial Balance*

Use Tax

Working Trial Balance*

Departmental GL Reports

Budget Analysis

General Ledger

P & L**  

P & L 3 Month**  

P & L 12 Month*

P & L Annualized*

P & L Comparative**  

P & L Variance**  


ClosedSummary Information Updates

Summary information is updated whenever you add, edit, or delete general ledger transactions. The summary information is displayed on the following reports:

Balance Sheet

Budget Analysis

P & L

P & L 3 Month

P & L 12 Month

P & L Annualized

P & L Comparative

P & L Variance

P & L Variance Forecast

Trial Balance

Working Trial Balance

Departmental Reports:

Budget Analysis Tab

P & L Tab

P & L 3 Month Tab

P & L 12 Month Tab

P & L Annualized Tab

P & L Comparative Tab

P & L Variance Tab

See Also

Reports Introduction

Setup Series of Reports

Setup Report Formats

Alternate Report Format