GL: P & L 12 Month

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Reports—GL Reports—P & L 12 Month or
—Reports—P & L 12 Month

Use this tab to print a general ledger 12 month profit and loss statement. The report displays a 12 month profit and loss statement for the selected period with or without unapproved transactions.

ClosedReport Description

This report is available as a Standard Report or an Alternate Report.

How the report prints is based on your selections (first set of selections is the default).


These examples do not describe the impact of the Include Unapproved Transactions check box. Refer to Default value for "Include unapproved transactions" on the global policies Other Tab for this information.

Rolling 12 Month Analysis—unchecked

Displays a 12 month Profit and Loss statement for the selected period.

The Last Column Value options are not available when Rolling 12 Month Analysis (Uncheck for Fiscal Year Analysis) is unchecked.

Rolling 12 Month Analysis—checked

Last Column Value—Total

The report prints for the Fiscal Year selected. The last column, Period End, Total, shows the value of all the columns added together.


If period 08/2011 is selected, the report prints 01/2011—12/2011, activity only in 01/2011-08/2011, and the last column is a total of all the columns printed.

Rolling 12 Month Analysis—checked

Last Column Value—YTD Total

The last column of the report is Period End, Year To Date, which shows a total of the YTD months but does not include months that list on the report for the previous year. So, twelve months back from the period/fiscal year selected prints first on the report and then the last column in the report shows a total of only the YTD months.


If period 08/2011 is selected, the report prints 09/2010—08/2011 and the last column is YTD for 08/2011.

Rolling 12 Month Analysis—checked

Last Column Value—Prior Year Total

The report includes the period one year prior to the selected period, plus the selected period amount, and the amounts for each of the eleven periods prior to the selected period. The last column in the report, Period End, is the actual amount for the period for the prior year.


If period 08/2011 is selected, the report prints 09/2010—08/2011 and the last column is 08/2010.

ClosedTo Print the Report

Note Note

Before generating this report, you must have set up report formats.

  1. From the eFinancials menu, select Reports—GL Reports—P & L 12 Month. Or, from the ePO menu, select Reports—P & L 12 Month.
  2. Click Select EntitiesCompanies. Select the entitiescompanies for which you want to print the report and click Save.
  3. From the Fiscal Year field, type the year for the report (for example, 2011).
  4. From the Period field, type the period for the report (for example, 8).
  5. From the Report Format drop-down list, select a format.
  6. To include unapproved transactions on the report, select the Include Unapproved Transactions check box.
  7. To print an analysis for the past 12 months, leave the Rolling 12 Month Analysis check box selected. Or, clear the check box if you want the report to provide a fiscal year analysis.
  8. If Rolling 12 Month Analysis is checked, new options appear. Select Total, YTD Total, or Prior Year options based on how you want the report to print. Refer to Report Description, above, for details on how this check box affects the report output.
  9. Select the type of report you want to print: Standard Report or Alternate Report (refer to report description).
  10. Select one of the following report printing options:
  11. Click Print. If you selected Create Spreadsheet, you are prompted to open or save the report Excel file. Otherwise, the report opens in PDF format.

See Also

Reports Introduction

Alternate Report Format