GL: P & L Variance

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Reports—GL Reports—P & L Variance or
—Reports—P & L Variance

Use this tab to print a general ledger profit and loss variance statement.

ClosedReport Description

This report is available as a Standard Report or an Alternate Report.

The profit and loss statement compares the selected period actual amount with the period budget amount and displays a month-to-date variance amount. The same comparison is applied to year-to-date amounts, and displays a year-to-date variance amount. Variances are calculated based on the account type to determine if the variance is favorable or unfavorable. Unfavorable variances are bracketed. An optional selection parameter allows you to include unapproved transactions.

Variance Based on Budgets

If the Variance based on budgets check box is selected, the P & L Variance report calculates the Variance value based on Budget value instead of the Divisor Account value. The Variance value is a percentage.

When Variance based on budgets is checked, the Variance value is calculated for Month-to-Date (MTD) and Year-to-Date (YTD) as:

Variable MTD % = (Actual - Budget) / Budget * 100

Variable YTD % = (Actual - Budget YTD) / Budget YTD * 100

Example (MTD %)

Actual: 642.17

Budget: 1312.00

Actual - Budget = 669.83

669.83/1312 (Budget) * 100 = 51.05%

ClosedTo Print the Report

Note Note

Setting up a customized general ledger report format is of particular importance if you want to show the calculation of the Divisor account for a MTD and YTD % calculation between actual and budgeted numbers. As a prerequisite to being able to show the calculation, you must set up report formats that include divisor accounts. For the calculation to occur, the divisor account must be included in a report sequence.

  1. From the eFinancials menu, select Reports—GL Reports—P & L Variance. Or, from the ePO menu, select Reports—P & L Variance.
  2. Click Select EntitiesCompanies. Select the EntitiesCompanies for which you want to print the report and click Save.
  3. From the Fiscal Year field, type the year for the report (for example, 2008).
  4. From the Period field, type the period for the report (for example, 2).
  5. From the Report Format drop-down list, select a format.
  6. If you have separate budgets set up for eFinancials and ePO, at Budget Source select a budget source for this report. If you do not use separate budgets, this field does not appear.
  7. To include unapproved transactions on the report, select the Include Unapproved Transactions check box.
  8. To print the P & L variance based on budgets, select the Variance based on budgets check box. Refer to the Report Description, above, for more information.
  9. Select the type of report you want to print: Standard Report or Alternate Report (refer to report description).
  10. Select one of the following report printing options:
  11. Click Print. If you selected Create Spreadsheet, you are prompted to open or save the report Excel file. Otherwise, the report opens in PDF format.

See Also

Reports Introduction

Alternate Report Format