Edit User Codes Overview—AP, AR, PO, JC, MSA, Inventory

Make one of these menu selections and then a submenu appears:

eFinancials—Setup—AP Setup—AP Codes—submenu
eFinancials—Setup—AP Setup—PO Codessubmenu
eFinancials—Setup—AR Setup—AR Codessubmenu

ePO—Setup—AP Codessubmenu
ePO—Setup—PO Codessubmenu

Job Cost—Setup—Job Costing—JC Codessubmenu
Job Cost—Setup—Job Costing—MSA Codes(no submenu)

Inventory—Setup—Inventory Codessubmenu

About the Submenus

The number of menu items as well as the names of the menu items on each application's submenu are determined by entries as set up on the application's User Codes tab. Refer to the Set Up User Codes Grid topic for more information.


After you access the submenu and then select a default User Code, you can complete these tasks:

You cannot delete a default User Code.



A red dot Required field indicates a required field or selection.

User Code

The display-only default User Code that you selected from the submenu.

Description Required field

Shows the user-defined description of the default User Code. This Description is used as the User Code label in the submenu you just selected it from. You can also edit the Description of the User Code. This field cannot be blank, as it is used as a label in submenus.Closed

For the default AP User Code "Approved By," if the description is "Approval," then "Approval" appears in the submenu after you save changes.

Code/Description Table

You can add User Codes to the selected EntityCompany by completing Code / Descriptions lines here. A new line appears automatically as you complete the fields.


Enter a Code into the field. You can create as many Codes as you need. You can also edit the Code, if desired.


Enter a description for the Code just created. You can also edit the Description of the Code, if desired.

Entering a Code, above, is optional, but if you enter a Code then the Description is required.

The Description is used as the label in the application menu:


eFinancials—Setup—AP Setup—AP Codes—select an item from the submenu

ePO—Setup—AP Codes—select an item from the submenu


eFinancials—Setup—AR Setup—AR Codes—select an item from the submenu


eFinancials—Setup—AP Setup—PO Codes—select an item from the submenu

ePO—Setup—PO Codes—select an item from the submenu


Job Cost—Setup—Common—Job Access Restrictions

Job Cost—Setup—Global Setup—User Codes tab

Job Cost—Setup—Job Costing—JC Codes—select an item from the submenu


Job Cost—Setup—Job Costing—MSA Codes (no submenu)


Inventory—Setup—Inventory Codes—select an item from the submenu


Click to delete a Code.


Click to save changes. Submenus refresh to show the changes.


ClosedTo Edit a Code

  1. Use one of these paths to access the appropriate Edit grid:
  2. eFinancials—Setup—AP Setup—AP Codes—(select a code to edit)
  3. eFinancials—Setup—AP Setup—PO Codes—(select a code to edit)
  4. eFinancials—Setup—AR Setup—AR Codes—(select a code to edit)
  5. ePO—Setup—AP Codes—(select a code to edit)
  6. ePO—Setup—PO Codes—(select a code to edit)
  7. Job Cost—Setup—Job Costing—JC Codes—(select a code to edit)
  8. Job Cost—Setup—Job Costing—MSA Codes—(no submenu)
  9. Inventory—Setup—Inventory Codes—(select a code to edit)
  1. To change the description of the default User Code (which changes how the User Code appears on submenus), edit the Description field.

    NOTE that the Description field for the following fields are not editable:
    - MSA Code (in Jobs)
    - Class, Manufacturer, and Class (for Subclass in Inventory).
  2. To add the default User Code to an Entitya Company, complete the Code field.
  3. To set the label for the Code, complete or edit the Description field.
  4. Repeat the steps above to add or edit Codes. When done, click Save. Changes save and the submenu refreshes to show changes.

See Also

User Codes - Associated Pages

eFinancials Setup Introduction

ePO Introduction

Job Cost Introduction