Close Jobs Grid

Make the following selections from the menu to display this tab:

Job Cost—Special—Housekeeping—Close Jobs

Use this grid to close one or multiple Jobs at once.

Fields List


Close (check box)

Check the box to close the Job. Refer to the Close procedure later in this topic for more information.


The Job identification that appears on lists and in reports.

Job Name

The Job name that appears on lists and in reports.

Customer ID

The Customer identification for this Job.

Customer Name

The Customer name for this Job.

Close Date

The close date for the Job. A date appears in this column for a Job once it is closed. Refer to the Close procedure later in this topic for more information.

Close (button)

Click the button to close selected Jobs. Refer to the Close procedure later in this topic for more information.


ClosedTo View Unapproved Transactions for a Job

  1. From the menu, select Special—Housekeeping—Close Job. All Jobs that are not currently closed appear in the grid.
  2. In the Close column, rest your mouse on the information icon Information icon for the Job you want to view unapproved transactions for. Only Jobs with unapproved transactions show the icon.

    A message appears:
    Job 'XXXXX' has unapproved transactions. Click to view.
  3. Click the information icon Information icon . The  Job Inquiry page appears.
  4. Identify the transactions that are not approved in Job Inquiry.

ClosedTo Close a Job

  1. From the menu, select Special—Housekeeping—Close Job.
  2. Click the box in the Close column next to any Job that you want to close. An  electronic calendar appears in the Close Date column of the Jobs selected.
  3. For each of the Jobs being closed, accept the default date in the Close Date column or click in the field and pick another date.
  4. Click the Close button. A confirmation message appears.
  5. Click OK. A success message appears. The system closes the selected Jobs, which no longer appear in the Close Jobs grid.

    Now, the Jobs appear in the Delete Jobs grid.

Additional Information

ClosedEffect of Permissions

Permissions must be set in the System module to access all Close Jobs activities.

System module—Security—Users—Job Cost—Special—Housekeeping—Close Jobs

See Also

Grid Pagination Controls

Housekeeping Introduction