Cost Type Grid

Make the following menu selections to display this grid:

Job Cost—Setup—Common—Cost Types

Use this grid to manage Cost Types.

The use of Cost Types provides a standard way to group Job cost information for reporting purposes using six industry-standard categories: Administrative, Equipment, Material, Labor, Subcontractor and Other.

Cost Types are user-defned, companyentity specific, and can be deleted unless used within the system. You may add as many Cost Types as you like.

ClosedEffect of Permissions

Permissions must be set in the System module to access the Cost Types menu item to set up cost types.

Permissions for Cost Types

System module—Security—Users—Job Cost—Setup—Common—Cost Types


ClosedGrid Fields

The following fields and buttons appear on the grid that displays when you select the menu option.

Add Cost Type

Click the button to add a new cost type.  Refer to instructions later in this topic for information on how to add a cost type.



The cost type that appears on lists and in reports. Click this column title to sort the list or click the Filter button to filter the grid by this column.


The description of the cost type that appears on lists and in reports. Click the column title to sort the list or click the Filter button to filter the grid by this column.


The category of the cost type that appears on lists and in reports. Options include Administrative, Equipment, Labor, Material, Other, Subcontractor. Click the column title to sort the list or click the Filter button to filter the grid by this column.


Use the Delete button to delete a cost type.

Sub Grid  


You can use the sub grid to add a Default Account for each Cost Type, which consists of an Account Group and an associated GL Account. This works like a posting control so that the appropriate General Ledger account number defaults in when direct job expenses such as equipment, material, labor and subcontract, are entered into the system. This reduces data entry time and prevents errors in entering account numbers.

An arrow appears next to each Cost Type Code.

Click the expand arrow to expand the list to view, add or delete default Account Groups and GL accounts for the Cost Type.

Click the collapse arrow to collapse the list.


Add Default Account (button)

Click the button to Add defaults to the Cost Type. A sub-grid appears with a drop-down box with options for Account Group.

Account Group

The Account Groups assigned to the Cost Type.

To add an Account Group, click in the field and select from the drop-down box.

NOTE that if you choose the No Account Group option and then enter a default account, you are entering the default for the system to choose for a Job that does not have an Account Group defined in Job setup so that you can use that Cost Type when entering data in Billings, etc.. It works the same way that it would work if you assigned an Account Group to a Job in that it would be the Default for that Job and Cost Type combination.

GL Account

The GL Account number you want to receive postings for the Cost Type. This account number must already be set up.  To add a GL Account, click in the field and select from the drop-down box.

NOTE that when you select No Account Group for Add Default Account (above), then for the GL Account field, only accounts set up as Job related without an Account Group show up as options in the GL Account drop-down


NOTE that clicking the Add Cost Type button causes a grid to save if you edited any sub grids.

ClosedTo Add a Cost Type

  1. Select Setup—Common—Cost Types and then click Add Cost Type.
  2. Click in the Code field, enter a code for the Cost Type you are adding, using up to 10 alpha/numeric characters.
  3. Click n the Description field, enter a description of the Cost Type.
  4. Click in the Category field, and then select a category from the drop-down box that appears.
  5. If desired, click Add Cost Type to add additional Cost Types, if desired.
  6. When finished adding Cost Types, click Save. The grid appears again.

ClosedTo Edit a Cost Type

  1. Access the Cost Types grid by selecting Setup—Common—Cost Types.
  2. Use Filter buttons in the grid header to locate the cost type you want to edit, if necessary.
  3. Click in the field you want to edit and then make changes. Refer to the Grid Fields list for help.
  4. Click Save.

ClosedTo Delete a Cost Type

  1. Access the Cost Types grid by selecting Setup—Common—Cost Types.
  2. Use Filter buttons in the grid header to locate the Cost Type you want to delete, if necessary.
  3. Click the Delete button in the Delete column. The Cost Type is deleted immediately from the grid.
  4. Click Save to save the deletion.

NOTE that if data exists for that Cost Type, you will not be able to delete it.

ClosedTo Add a Default Account for a Cost Type

  1. Use Filter buttons in the grid header to locate the Cost Type you want to add an Account Group and GL Account to, if necessary.
  2. Click the line item arrow to expand the sub grid.
  3. Click the Add Default Account button. A drop-down box appears for Account Group. Select an account.
  4. Click in the GL Account field. A drop-down box appears for GL Account. Select an account.
  5. Click Save.

ClosedTo Delete a Default Account for a Cost Type

  1. Use Filter buttons in the grid header to locate the Cost Type you want to delete an Account Group and GL Account from, if necessary.
  2. Click the line item arrow to expand the sub grid.
  3. Click the Delete   button in the Delete column for the Account Group and GL Account you want to delete. The line is deleted immediately from the grid.
  4. Click Save to save the deletion.

NOTE that if data exists for that Default Account, you will not be able to delete it.

See Also

Job Cost Introduction

Setup Questions Cost Types


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