GL Reporting Overview

General ledger reports use information from the general ledger to prepare financial statements. The general ledger receives and stores business transactions from other applications—for example, Accounts Payable—and general ledger reports present that information in the form of financial statements.


You can create a shortcut to print a group (series) of reports at one time using the menu selection Series of Reports Tab on the Reports menu.

ClosedSummary Information

To improve performance on several reports, summary tables are updated whenever you add, edit, or delete general ledger transactions. Balances from tables are used to display results for reports and inquiries.

The following summary tables are used: tblGLActuals, tblGLBudgets.

The summary tables affect the following reports: Trial Balance, Working Trial Balance, Balance Sheet, Budget Analysis, P & L, P & L Variance, 3 Month P & L, 12 Month P & L, Annualized P & L, Comparative P & L, and the corresponding departmental reports.

ClosedReport Formats

Prior to generating any of these reports, report formats can be customized using the Report Formats Tab. This set up is optional and you can bypass it if you do not plan to generate or print customized general ledger reports. Standard general ledger reports remain available regardless of whether you complete this set up.

eFinancials is shipped with the following default formats, which provide sample report format setups:


Prior to running reports, you must have made current selections using the Select menu option.

ClosedAvailable GL Reports

The following GL reports are available:

Balance Sheet

Bank Reconciliation

Budget Analysis

Budget Detail

Cash Flow Statement

Chart of Accounts

Company List

Comparative Balance Sheet

Department List

Entity List

General Journal

General Ledger

GL Batch Totals

GL Intercompany List

P & L

P & L 3 Month

P & L 12 Month

P & L Annualized

P & L Comparative

P & L Variance

Trial Balance

Working Trial Balance

Departmental Reports

Budget Analysis

P & L

P & L 3 Month

P & L 12 Month

P & L Annualized

P & L Comparative

P & L Variance

See Also

Report Printing Options

Reporting Overview

Applications on the eFinancials Menu