Make the following menu selections to display this page:
eFinancials—Accounts Payable—Check Processing—Check Runs—(select Add Check Run or a Check Run ID)
Two tabs appear when you add or edit a check run: Search and Check Run
Search Tab - Field Lists
A red dot indicates a required field or
Pay from Bank
The bank account from which funds are drawn to pay for the invoices in the check run. The account defaults based on selections you made on the Lookup Footer. Only invoices with this bank account assignment appear for selection in the grid.
Accept the default account, Assigned Bank, or select another bank account from the drop-down list.
Refer to the field Banks below in the Criteria section for more information.
When making payments from multiple bank accounts, you can use the following additional option: Assigned Bank. Refer to Payments from Bank Accounts for more information.
Check Date
The date that prints on checks. The date defaults based on selections you made on the Lookup Footer.
Accept the default date, or enter another date using the format mm/dd/yyyy. Or use the Electronic Calendar to select a date.
Accounting Date
This is not a searchable field.
This field defaults to the date entered on the checks General Tab. Accept the default date, or enter another accounting date using the format mm/dd/yyyy. Or use the Electronic Calendar to select a date. This date is the date of record for the check and it is used to determine the period to which the check is posted.
If the check run process is interrupted the accounting date is preserved and the Check Run Select validation process is used to verify the Accounting Date against the selected invoices' accounting dates.
Force Discount
Check the box to take discounts when paying invoices regardless of the discount due date. This check box appears only for users with the user policy Force Discount. For details, refer to Forced Discounts.
Click to search for invoices that meet the criteria you entered. The results displays in the Search Results Grid at the bottom of the page.
Select PropertyCompany
Click Select PropertyCompany. The Select PropertiesCompanies Tab pop-up displays. Select a check box for a PropertyCompany to have data for that PropertyCompany included in the check run. Click Save. The pop-up closes. When you are ready to select invoices, the system selects invoices that were entered for the selected PropertiesCompanies.
Clear Check Run
Select this option to clear previously selected invoices. This option is included as a convenience. As you set and override selection criteria, you can get unexpected results. Use this button to clear the criteria and start over without leaving the tab.
To find Invoices with blank Jobs or User Codes, the user must Exclude some Jobs or User Codes. Or, the user must Include everything for that blank User Code.
Due on or Before
The due date entered for the invoice. Based on this date, the system selects invoices that are open with a date less than or equal to this date. The date defaults based on selections you made on the Lookup Footer.
Accept the default date, or enter another date using the format mm/dd/yyyy. Or use the Calendar Button to select a date.
Include Retainage
Check the box to include Retainage. This determines if the Retainage amount is brought into the amount to pay when doing a search for invoices to pay
Include / Exclude
Each of the following search fields in the Criteria section
has an Include button and an Exclude button. More...
For each of the search fields, decide whether you want to include or exclude all (or some) of the possible options from the search.
If desired, click in a field and select, from the drop-down list that appears, one or more items to Include in / Exclude from the search. This narrows the display of invoices in the grid.
Vendor Groups
Click in the field and select one or more Vendor Groups to include/exclude. The Vendor Groups appearing in this list were established in eFinancials setup on the Groups Tab.
Click in the field and select one or more Vendors to include/exclude. The Vendor is the payee on the Check Run you are entering or editing.
Expense Codes
Click in the field and select one or more Expense Codes to include/exclude in the search.
Expense codes were established in Setup on the Expense Codes Tab and are associated with the PropertyCompany that is selected in the Lookup Footer.
Click in the field and select one or more Jobs to include/exclude in the search.
This field appears only if the currently selected EntityCompany is set to track Jobs.
Approved By
Click in the field and select one or more values for Approved By to include/exclude in the search.
This is an AP User Code that was established in eFinancials setup.
Click in the field and select one or more values for Location to include/exclude in the search.
This is an AP User Code that was established in eFinancials setup.
Click in the field and select one or more Batches to include/exclude in the search.
Click in the field and select one or more Users to include/exclude in the search. The invoices for selected users will appear as search results after the search is executed.
Click in the field and select one or more Banks to include/exclude in the search. All Banks that the user has access to can be selected.
Vendor Type
Click in the field and select one or more values for Vendor Type to include/exclude in the search.
This is an AP User Code that was established in eFinancials setup.
Invoice Type
Click in the field and select one or more values for Invoice Type to include/exclude in the search.
This is an AP User Code that was established in eFinancials setup.
Click in the field and select one or more values for Priority to include/exclude in the search.
This is an AP User Code that was established in eFinancials setup.
Use this grid to select individual line items or entire invoices for the check run. To be eligible for payment, an invoice must be approved and be included in an approved batch.
Use the grid filter button for any column in any grid to search for items to work with and then the items that match your search criteria appear in the grid. You can also click the column heading for any column to sort the list, and an arrow appears next to the column label to indicate if the list is sorted up or down.
Refer to the filter button topic for help improving your search results.
Vendor ID
NOTE that Vendor ID is a link before you click the Add to Check Run button. Click on the link to open Payment Inquiry. For the link to appear, the user also must have the permission in the System module for eFinancials—AP—Inquiry—AP Inquiry—Payment Detail.
The identification of the vendor. Vendors are
listed in alphabetical order. An arrow appears next to each vendor ID.
Click the arrows to expand the list to view all check
run invoices for the vendor, or click the arrows
to collapse
the vendor invoice list. The grid drills down to the Invoice level for
a vendor, and then drills down further to the Invoice Detail level:
When you click the arrow for the
Vendor ID, a new grid appears that shows each invoice for the Vendor.
The new grid shows these columns.
No - The invoice number. You can click the drill down arrow for the invoice to open a new grid that shows invoice detail
line items. Refer to Invoice Detail Grid, below,
for details.
Invoice Description - A description of the invoice.
Sep Ck (check box) - Check the box to create a separate check for this invoice. Default is unchecked.
Due Date - The payment due date for the invoice.
Discount - The discount due, if any. For more information, refer to Discounted Payments.
Amount To Pay - The amount to pay.
Pay (check box) - Check the box to pay the entire invoice. Or, click the arrow to open the Invoice Detail grid to pay items at the detail level.
Documents icon - Click the icon to open the Documents tab.
When you click the arrow for the
Invoice #, a new grid appears that shows line item detail for the invoice.
The new grid shows these columns.
Seq No - The system-generated sequential number associated with the line item. Click this column title to sort the list.
Job - The Job associated with the invoice line item. This appears only if you are tracking Jobs.
Description - The description of the invoice. Click this column title to sort the list.
Due Date - The payment due date for the invoice. Click this column title to sort the list.
Sep Ck - Select this check box to print a separate check for this one invoice line item. Or, clear the check box to include payment for this invoice line item in the consolidated check.
Amount - The total amount due for the line item. Click this column title to sort the list.
Pay - At the item level, clear or select this check box to exclude/include the item in the check run.
The name of the vendor.
Due Date
The payment due date for the invoice. Click this column title to sort the list by this column.
The total amount due for the invoice and all line item details. Click this column title to sort the list by this column.
Check Box (select all)
This check box defaults as selected and so all invoices for all vendors in the grid are selected for payment. Clear this check box to clear the invoice check boxes in the grid and then you can individually select invoices—or invoice detail line items—for payment. Refer to Vendor ID, above, for more information.
Lien waivers due
An icon in the Lien waivers due column shows that the Vendor has outstanding Lien Waivers.
When there is an icon in this column, rest the mouse over the icon and a tool tip appears, which shows Outstanding Lien Waivers by Lien Waiver number and associated Job .
The Lien waivers due column does not appear under these circumstances:
- When you did a Search on the Search tab and no Vendors in the Results have outstanding Lien Waivers.
- When no Lien Waiver Formats are set up.
Under the grid (fields/buttons)
Check Run Tab - Field List
Use this tab to confirm the invoices and invoice line items selected for payment and then to validate the check run. To get to this tab, in the Check Runs grid, click Add Check Run and then do a search, or click a Check Run ID for a check run that has not been processed.
The following fields appear on the tab:
Filter buttons
Use the grid filter button for any column in the grid to perform a search. The items that match your search criteria using the filter display in the grid.
Vendor ID
The identification of the vendor to whom the check will be made payable. Click this column title to sort the list.
Invoice ID
The invoice identification. Click this column title to sort the list.
Seq No
The system-generated sequential number associated with the line items that make up the invoice.
The description of the line item.
Property ID
The Property associated with the invoice line item.
Company ID
The Company associated with the invoice line item.
The identification of the Job associated with the line item.
Bank ID
The bank identification number associated with the line item.
Due Date
The payment due date for the line item.
The discount due for the line item, if any. For more information, refer to Discounted Payments.
Amount To Pay
The total amount due for the line item. It is possible to enter another amount; for example, to enter a partial payment.
Retainage To Pay
The amount of Retainage you are paying for this line item.
Click the icon to remove an invoice
line item from the check run.
Under the grid (fields/buttons)
Refer to the Check Runs Grid topic for procedures to add, edit, or delete a Check Run.
Additional Information - Search Tab
How to Expand/Collapse the Panels
The Criteria Panel and the Results Panel on the Search tab can be collapsed and expanded by clicking on the panel name.
How to work with Search Criteria - Criteria
Users can select to include or exclude multiple items in the search Criteria panel.
In the Criteria panel, each search criteria option shows a set of buttons: Include and Exclude. Select a button to show whether the selections you make in the field are included or excluded from the Check Run search. For the Vendors field, for example:
Select theIncludebutton (field label reads All or Choose Vendors). If no vendors are selected, all vendors will be included when you click Search; otherwise only the vendors you select will be included when you click Search.
Select theExcludebutton (field changes to read Choose Vendors to Exclude). The vendors you select will be excluded when you click Search.
To use the Criteria fields:
Start typing and the first 50 items that match appear in the drop-down list; the user can scroll to see 50 additional items.
The list can be limited by typing some characters and initially the system searches for the beginning of the ID or value and brings back those items that match.
If the user enters the asterisk character ( * ) prior to other characters and there is not just an ID but also a description, the search looks within that description; this is a case insensitive search.
The Vendor Groups or Users fields do not use/need the asterisk ( * ) functionality, as they are just IDs and the search is within the entire ID.
A tool tip shows when the mouse hovers over a selected item. So, for example, for a Vendor the Vendor ID shows in the field, but move the mouse over the ID and the Vendor name appears as a tool tip.
When the Pay from Bank is selected or changed, the Banks multi-select (in the selection Criteria section) is defaulted to show just that bank in the Banks field. For the "Include All" banks functionality:
Click the "x" next to each bank name to remove the banks from the Bank field and then the Banks field uses the "Include All" functionality, or
Click the "x" in the Pay from Bank field. The Pay from Bank becomes "Assigned Bank" and then the Banks field uses the "Include All" functionality. This means that any previously selected banks no longer appear in the Banks field.
Separate panels are available for Search criteria and Results; both can be collapsed or expanded, allowing for more results to show on the page at one time after a search.
The selections that are made in the multi-selects are saved for that Check Run within the same session. If the browser is closed, the previous search criteria is lost.
The Batch multi-select lists Batches in batch date descending order and then by Batch ID in descending order so that the most recent batches are listed first.
How to Filter a Grid with Check Boxes - Results
When you use a Filter button to filter the results on the grid, if the grid contains check boxes then all the new, filtered results will be reselected—even if you uncheck some of the check boxes before filtering. Also, clearing the filter(s) will bring back all the original results from initial search and they all will be selected.
See Also
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