Date of Record

The date of record is the date that a transaction is posted in the general ledger. You can control the following dates of record by your entry the Acct Date field.


You can enter a date of record in the Acct Date field on the Invoices screen. The system uses the date you enter in this field for posting to the general ledger.

For example, if you are entering an invoice on July 5, 2007 and you are in the seventh accounting period of your year, but you want the invoice posted to the previous period, you can enter June 25, 2007 in the Acct Date field. The system posts the invoice to the sixth accounting period.  


You can enter a date of record in the Acct Date field on the checks General Tab. The system uses the date you enter in this field for posting to the general ledger.

For example, if you are entering a on July 10, 2007 and you are in the seventh accounting period of your year, but you want the check posted to the previous period, you can enter June 20, 2007 in the Acct Date field. The system posts the check to the sixth accounting period.

The date of record in the Acct Date field on the checks General Tab provides the default date that appears in the Accounting Date field on the Print Checks or Print Reports Tab. Prior to printing checks, you have one last opportunity to change the accounting date.

See Also

Date of Record for Import or Export

Checks Overview

Invoice Overview

Concepts and Processes Introduction