Payment Inquiry Grid

Make the following menu selections to display this grid:

eFinancials—Accounts Payable—Inquiry—Payment Inquiry

Use this grid to inquire about accounts payable payments.



The following fields and buttons appear on the grid that displays when you select the menu option.


Selections you make for the fields in the header determine what appears in the grid.

Vendor ID

Click the Lookup icon to display the Select pop-up and select an ID.The payments associated with that Vendor display in the grid below.

Bank ID

Click the Lookup icon to display the Select pop-up and select an ID.The payments associated with that Bank ID display in the grid below.

Check #

Enter a check number to inquire on.

Include unapproved transactions (check box)

Select the box to include unapproved transactions in the inquiry.


You can click a column title to sort the grid by that column, or click the Filter button in a column to filter the grid by that column.

Vendor ID

The vendor ID.


The short name of the vendor.

Check #

The check number of the payment. Some check numbers are a drill-down link that you can click display details.

NOTE that when the Status of a check is Overflow, then there is no drill-down link for the Check # and the Description shows "Check Overflow [check number], where the check number is the number of the check that the overflow came from. Refer to AP setup for Setup Check Formats, Overflow Check for more information about Overflow Status.

Check Date

The date of the check.

Bank ID

The bank identification.

Batch ID

The batch identification number.

Approved Date

The approval date of the batch in which the payment resides.


The status of the payment.

NOTE that when the Status of a check is Overflow, then there is no drill-down link for the Check # and the Description shows "Check Overflow [check number], where the check number is the number of the check that the overflow came from. Refer to AP setup for Setup Check Formats, Overflow Check for more information about Overflow Status.


The description of the payment.

Check Processing is a system generated check; any other description is associated with a manual check. Click this column title to sort the list and change the Find field.

NOTE that when the Status of a check is Overflow, then there is no drill-down link for the Check # and the Description shows "Check Overflow [check number], where the check number is the number of the check that the overflow came from. Refer to AP setup for Setup Check Formats, Overflow Check for more information about Overflow Status.


The amount of the payment.


Click the documents icon to open the Documents tab to manage check documents. An icon with a check mark indicates that documents are attached to the check.


ClosedFind Payments

  1. Complete the tab using the field list.The inquiry screen displays again with the payments that meet your selection criteria.
  2. If desired, use the Grid Pagination Controls to scroll through pages.
  3. When you locate the payments of interest, examine the data.
  4. If you want no further detail, continue by selecting another option from the menu.
  5. If you want additional detail, click a link in the Check # or Batch ID columns to display the checks and line item details.

ClosedDisplay Checks and Line Item Details

  1. Select the link in the Check# column. The Payment Inquiry detail tab appears.
  2. Use the Payment Inquiry Detail Tab to find more information on fields appearing on this tab.
  3. Use the Find field to locate line item details. This field defaults to Find Line; however, if you click any of the grid column titles, the field label changes to reflect your selection. You can then search for line items based on the field label. For example, if you know the line item description, click the Description column title and the find field label changes to Find Description.
  4. Enter the first few letters or numbers to search for or select from a drop-down list, and then select the Find button. The items that are the nearest match to your entry displays in the grid below. Click column titles to sort the list further.
  5. When you locate the line item of interest, examine the data.
  6. If you want no further detail, continue by selecting another option from the menu.
  7. If you want additional detail, select the Invoice ID link to display the Invoices Tab.
  8. To continue, select the Cancel button or select another option from the menu.

Field List

Payment Inquiry Detail Tab

See Also

Accounts Payable Introduction

Grid Pagination Controls

Documents Tab