Check Runs Grid

Make the following menu selections to display this grid:

eFinancials—Accounts Payable—Check Processing—Check Runs

Use this grid to manage check runs. The check run process allows you to print checks and direct deposit remittance advices. When you print checks and advices, the system creates the data needed for the ACH file process. The process also validates that the accounting check date is equal to or greater than the accounting dates of the invoices being paid.

You can print and reprint the following check run reports: proof listing, check register. You can also print non-negotiable copies of checks for your records.


The instructions in this topic assume that you are printing checks. However, you may also be printing advices. In that case, tab and button names display as Advices rather than Checks. The process is the same, only the label changes to match the document being produced.

Fields List

ClosedGrid Fields

The following items appear in the grid.


Use the grid Filter Button for any column in the grid to search for a check run to work with and then the items that match your search criteria appear in the grid. You can also click the column heading for any column to sort the list, and an arrow appears next to the column label to indicate if the list is sorted up or down.

Refer to the Filter Button topic to improve your search results.

Add Check Run (button)

Click the Add Check Run button to add a check run. Refer to Add/Edit Check Run tab for more information.

Include Completed Check Runs

This check box defaults as unchecked. Accept this default if you want to include in the grid only check runs that carry a status of New, Selected, Validated, Printing, Processed.  

Select this check box to display all check runs regardless of status. The display includes historical check runs, which carry a status of Printing or Processed. You can reprint the proof listing and check register for these check runs.

Check Run ID

The check run identification number that appears on lists and in reports. Select an ID link to work with that check run. The status of the check run determines actions you can complete.


The User who added the check run.


If the User value is "SAMPLE_CHECK,” the record is for a non-negotiable check sample printed from the Setup Bank Accounts Grid.

Pay from Bank

The bank account ID that appears on lists and in reports.

Check Date

The date entered in the Check Date field for the Add/Edit Search Criteria.

Due on or Before

The due date entered for the invoice. Based on this date, the system selects invoices to appear on the grid that are open with a date less than or equal to the system date.


The status of the check run. Currently, you cannot click this column title to sort the list.

The check run has been added but no invoices have been selected.

Invoices and line items have been selected for the check run. The check run is eligible for validation.


The check run has been approved. Only certain users can see this status. Refer to Require Check Run Approval for more information.

The check run has been validated. The check run is eligible for printing.

When the check run has been processed, but before the Done button is clicked, the check run shows the Printing status, which allows for improperly printed checks to be reprinted or check copies to be printed. Refer to the Print Checks / Reports Tab for details.

The check run has been processed. Check runs with this status only appear in the grid when you select the option Include Completed Check Runs. To print or reprint reports, select the check run ID link to display the Print Checks / Reports Tab and then you can print the proof listing and check register from the check run.

# of Checks

The number of checks in the check run.


Click the Approve icon Approve icon - Check Runs in the column to approve the check run.

This column is visible to certain users only. Refer to Require Check Run Approval for more information.


Click the Print icon to print the check run and reports. When you select this button, the Print Checks Tab appears. You can use this tab to print checks and check-related reports.

The system enables this button after a check run is validated. After you print checks you can select this button to print reports as long as the check run is still in Printing status.  


Click the Delete icon to delete a check run.


ClosedTo Add a Check Run

  1. Click Accounts Payable—Check Processing—Check Runs. The Check Runs grid appears.
  2. Click Add Check Run. The Add Check Run page appears.
  3. Accept the default bank account ("Assigned Bank") that displays in the Pay from Bank field, or click the lookup button and the Select Bank pop-up appears. Click on a bank to select it.

    If you selected a Pay from Bank to use, if you want to go back to using Assigned Bank instead, in the Criteria section, click on the x that appears in the Pay from Bank  field to delete the selected Pay from Bank and then "Assigned Bank" appears in the field instead.
  4. If necessary, click the Select PropertyCompany button and select or change the propertiescompanies for processing.

    that the property(ies)company(ies) selected for processing may be either 1. the current propertycompany that appears in the Lookup Footer or,  2. multiple propertiescompanies, if you selected multiple propertiescompanies for another process, for example, when running a report.

    If either of these situations exist but are not what you want, then use the Select PropertyCompany button to select the propertiescompanies you want to use instead.
  5. Complete the remaining fields using the Search Tab Fields list on the Add/Edit Check Run tab.
  6. Click Search to create the check run. The results for the check run appear in the Results grid and include all invoices that are ready for payment (approved and included in approved batches, unless the global policy is set to pay authorized invoices in unapproved batches).

    NOTE that the Lien waivers due column shows only when the Vendor has outstanding Lien Waivers. For details, refer to the Results Panel Field List on the Add/Edit Check Runs Tabs topic. If there are outstanding Lien Waivers, there is an additional step for Lien Waivers. Refer to Print Checks / Reports Tab.

    that the search criteria fields still are available above the grid so it is possible to update the check run by changing search criteria.

  7. To stop now or at any time before clicking the button Add To Check Run, click any menu item and the system saves the check run with a status of New. Or, to continue, complete the next step.
  8. By default, all invoices in the grid are selected to be paid. Possible options:

    Accept the default (pay all invoices in the grid), and go to the next step.

    Or, click the line item arrows in the grid to view/select individual invoices or invoice line items to pay.  Refer to the field list for Search Tab Results Panel (Vendor ID field) for more information.
  9. When done making selections, click the Add To Check Run button. The Check Run tab appears with the invoices and line items you selected. Make any changes necessary.
  10. After confirming that you want to pay the items in the grid, click Validate.

If the system does not validate the check run, a message explaining the problem appears. Modify your selections, and then click Validate again.

If the system validates the check run, the Print Checks Tab appears. You can print checks and reports now or later.


When the global policy is set to Require Check Run Approval, the Approve button appears instead of the Validate button. In that case, click the Approve button.

  1. If you want to print checks or reports now, refer to the instructions for the Print Checks / Reports Tab.
  2. If you want to print checks and reports later, click any menu item to leave the page. The system saves the check run with a status of Validated.


You can print the reports later from the Check Runs Tab using the Print icon in the grid.

ClosedTo Edit a Check Run

You can edit check runs that carry a status of New or Selected. Check runs with a status of Validated, Printing or Processed cannot be edited.

  1. Click Accounts Payable—Check Processing—Check Runs. The Check Runs grid appears.
  2. Click the Check Run ID link for the check run you want to edit. The check run tabs appear.
  3. Use the following field list to edit the check run: Search Tab - Results Panel.
  4. To stop now, click Cancel. The system saves the check run and updates the status. Any invoices and line items you have selected remain selected.  Otherwise, continue with the next step.
  5. Click the Add To Check Run button (located at the bottom of the page). The Check Run tab appears with the invoices and line items you selected.
  6. Use the following field list to complete this tab:Check Run Tab.
  7. To stop now, click Cancel. The system saves the check run and updates the status to Selected. Otherwise, continue with the next step.
  8. Click Validate (located at the bottom of the page).
  1. If you want to print checks and reports now, refer to the following instructions: Print Checks. Or, if you want to print checks and reports later, simply leave the page. The system saves the check run with a status of Validated.

ClosedTo Delete a Check Run

The Delete icon appears only for check runs that carry the status of New, Selected, or Validated.

  1. Click Accounts Payable—Check Processing—Check Runs. The Check Runs grid appears.
  2. Click the Delete icon for the check run you want to delete. The check run tabs display.
  3. Click Confirm Delete (button at the bottom of the page). The Check Runs grid appears again without the check run you deleted.

See Also

Select Tab

Check Run Tab

Print Checks / Reports Tab

Check Proof Listing

Check Run Proof

Checks: Invoices

To Install the Secure Check Printer Software

Grid Navigation