Make the following menu selections to display this grid:
eFinancials—Accounts Receivable—Transactions—Billing Entry
Use this menu item to manage billings.
Fields Lists
The following fields appear on the page.
Add Billing
Use this button to add a Billing.
Include Billings in Approved Batches
Select the box to include Billings in approved batches.
Filter Buttons
in column headers allow you to change what appears in
the grid.
Billing ID
The billing identification. Click this column title to sort the list. Click the billing identification link to display Billing tabs.
Batch ID
The identification of the batch for this Billing.
The date of the billing was added.
Customer ID
The customer identification.
Customer Name
The customer name.
The status of the billing.
The description of the billing.
The total amount for the billing.
The amount received against the billing. Receipts are entered into AR using the Receipts grid.
One of the following icons appears in this column:
No documents are currently
stored for the billing. Click the icon to upload documents for the billing.
At least one document
is currently stored for the billing. Rest your mouse pointer on the icon
to see the number of documents stored. Click the icon to view, add, or
delete documents.
For more information, refer to the Documents Tab instructions.
Ret Adj
Click the Ret Adj icon to open the an Add Retainage Adjustment page when you want to add a Retainage Adjustment for a billing.
This field appears in the grid only when the global policy is set to Use AR Retainage.
An icon only shows for approved billings that were not created from AIA Application Entry or T & M Billing Enrtry.
NOTE that Retainage Adjustments show in the grid with the same Billing ID as the original and a Status of Ret Adj.
Use the Void iconto void a billing. Refer to void instructions later in this
The Void icon appears only if the billing is in an approved batch and no receipts have been applied to it.
Use the Delete icon
to delete a billing.
A billing can be deleted only if It is not a Void, not approved, and no receipts have been associated with it.
Company | BatchEntity | Property | Batch (Footer Links)
Make changes using the Footer Links to use the appropriate combination of Company and Batch. The Billings associated with that batch display in the grid.
Make changes using the Footer Links to select the appropriate combination of Entity, Property, and Batch. The Billings associated with that batch display in the grid.
When you want to add a Retainage Adjustment, these fields appear when you click on the Ret Adj icon in the grid.
NOTE that you can edit Retainage Adjustments that have not been approved, and current batch processing works like it does with regular Billings, i.e., you have to select or add batch if if necessary; batch restrictions apply, etc.
Original Billing ID
This is the same Billing ID as the original billing. This field is not editable.
Customer ID
This is the Customer ID for the original billing. This field is not editable.
Customer Information
The customer information asset up on the AR setup Customer General tab appears in the text box.
The status of the original billing. This field is not editable.
The Type of billing: Retainage Adjustment. This field is not editable.
Original Billing Date
This is the same Billing Date as the original billing. This feld is not editable.
Retainage Adj Date
The date for the retainage adjustment, which defaults to the login date. To change the date, click in the field and use the Electronic Calendarto select a date.
Retainage Adj Amount
The display-only amount of the retainage adjustment you are entering. This field updates based on entries you make using the line items in the Adjustments Tab.
Enter or edit the description of the Retainage Adjustment.
Adjustments Tab
Add Retainage Adjustments by adding lines in the Adjustments Tab.
Company / Job / Phase / Cost / Description
Display-only information for the original lines of the billing that you are adding a Retainage Adjustment to. Only these lines can have an adjustment made to them.
Acct Date
Use the electronic calendar to add or edit the accounting date for the Retainage Adjustment. The date defaults to the login date.
Retainage Adj
Click in the field and add a Retainage Adjustment amount in the format 0.00.
You cannot enter an adjustment amount greater than allowed based on the original amount, any deposits against the line, Retainage on the original line, and any other existing Retainage Adjustments for that billing and line.
When you tab off of the field the Retainage Adj Amount field, above, updates.
When finished adding Retainage Adjustment amounts, to save your changes. This debits the Retainage Account and credits Accounts Receivable account.
To Add an Adjustment Billing
Use this section to add or edit general information for a billing entry (except for Retainage Adjustments). Note that you cannot add or change a billing for an approved batch.
Also note that billings that are created from:
A red dot indicates a required field or
Billing ID
The billing ID. The default is "New." Accept the default or edit the billing identification. This ID appears on lists and in reports.
A link appears next to the Billing ID when the filling is for an AIA Application. Click the link to drill into the AIA Application Entry that created the Billing.
A link appears next to the Billing ID when the filling is for a T & M Billing. Click the link to drill into the T & M Billing Entry that created the Billing.
Customer ID
The Customer ID. Click the lookup to select a Customer from the Select Customer pop-up. The
selected customer's information appears in the Customer Information boxes.
The customer information is set up on the AR setup Customer General
The status of the billing.
The billing type. Select a billing type from the drop-down list. Options include: Regular, Credit, Retainage Draw, Retainage Draw Credit.
If applicable, the AIA Job appears as read only.
T & M Job
If applicable, T & M Job appears as read only.
Contract Job
Click the lookup to select a Contract Job from the pop-up. The Job number fields on the allocation lines become populated.
More Information...
This field shows only when the current Property's default entityCompany is set to Track Jobs. Only jobs that have a Contract # entered for them in Job Setup appear in the lookup.
The Contract # will display to the right of the Lookup when a Contract Job is entered.
The Customer # and CompanyProperty IDs and Job numbers for the allocation will then be disabled and no longer have lookup images since the billing is then being set as a contract billing for only that specific job
The Global policy for allowing posting to closed jobs for Billing Entry will work the same way it does for the Job number field on the allocation line where it prevents, warns, or allows the user to select a closed job.
The Contract Job field (and CompanyProperty and Job numbers on the allocation lines) cannot be changed when a billing is edited.
Billing Date
The billing date for the billing transaction. This date defaults to the current system date. To change the date for the billing, click in the field and select a date from the electronic calendar.
AR Account Override
The override account to be used for this billing.
Click the lookup to select a GL account from the Select
GL Account pop-up.
The terms for the billing. Click the lookup to select terms from the Select Terms pop-up. Terms are set
up on the AR setup Customer General
Due Date
The billing due date. This date defaults to the current system date. To change the due date for the billing, click in the field and select a date from the electronic calendar.
Markup Percent
The markup percentage that defaults in from Customer setup.
Discount Due Date
The due date to be met in order for the customer to receive a discount. This date defaults to blank until a customer is selected.
If the customer has a Terms code, the date is calculated based on the Terms code setup and is disabled.
If the Terms code does not use discounts, the calculated date is the login date plus 1 day. To change the due date for the billing, click in the field and select a date from the electronic calendar.
Discount Percent
The percentage discount the customer receives for paying by the Discount Due Date. This field defaults to 0.0000 until a customer is selected.
If the customer has a Terms code, the value defaults in if available and the field is then disabled.
If the customer does not have a terms code, the field is editable. To change the percentage discount for the billing, click in the field and type the percentage.
Enter a description for the billing. This description appears on lists and in reports.
Taxable (check box)
Defaults as unchecked. Check the box if the billing is taxable. Additional fields appear: Subtotal, Tax (documented below).
Prepaid (check box)
Defaults as unchecked. Check the box if the billing is prepaid. The following fields appear.
Printed (check box)
Defaults as unchecked. When you use Print Billings to print the billings, then the system adds a check mark to this check box.
When the check box is not checked, the billing prints when you select the default option in Print Billings: Print all unprinted billings.
When the check box is checked, the billing prints when you select these options in Print Billings: Print all billings or Reprintbillings.
Prepaid Details
When the Prepaid box is checked, the following fields appear.
Bank Account
The bank account for any amount that was prepaid
for the billing. Click the lookup to select a Bank Account
from the Select Bank Account pop-up. The selected bank account information
appears in the field.
Receipt Date
The receipt date of the prepaid amount that was paid for the billing. The date defaults to the current system date. To change the due date, click in the field and select a date from the electronic calendar.
A description of the prepaid billing. You can enter up to 40 alphanumeric characters.
A reference for the prepaid billing. You can enter up to 20 alphanumeric characters.
Customer Information
Customer name and address
After a Customer ID is selected (see above), the display-only customer name and address appear in this section.
Balancing (unlabeled)
Allocation Total
The sum of the amounts on the Allocations tab at the bottom of this form. This is updated when amounts are entered on the Allocations tab.
Markup Amount
The markup amount in the format 0.0000. Cannot be a negative number.
Line Item Total
Sum of the lines on the Line Item Details tab. This field is updated when amounts are entered on the Line Item Details tabs.
Note that this field appears only when the Auto-create Line Items check box on the Allocations tab is not checked.
Discount Amount
Sum of the Discount Amounts on the Allocations tab at the bottom of this form. This amount is updated when discount amounts are entered on the Allocation tab.
Retainage Amount
The system-calculated amount of retainage for the billing.
Billing total (unlabeled)
Subtotal of the billing values.
Note that this field appears only when the Taxable check box is checked.
Sum of the values for Tax Amount in the Allocations tab, below. The field is updated when tax amounts are entered on the Allocations tab.
Note that this field appears only when the Taxable check box is checked.
Sum of the values in the Amount field on the Allocations tab. This sum is updated when amounts are entered on the Allocations tab. This appears as a negative number.
Button (bottom of form)
Click to save changes.
Auto-create Line Items
The check box is selected by default. When the check mark is removed, the Line Item Total field appears at the top of the form and the Line Item Details tab appears at the bottom of the form.
The CompanyProperty associated with the billing. The
default is the currently selected CompanyProperty. Click the lookup to select a CompanyProperty from the Select CompanyProperty pop-up. The
selected CompanyProperty appears in the field.
The Job associated with the billing. Click the
lookup to select a Job from the Select Job pop-up. The selected
Job ID appears in the field.
Track Jobs must be turned on to use this option. This field is enabled based on the Job Billing Level.
The job Phase associated with the job. Click in the field and enter or edit the phase.
Track Jobs must be turned on to use this option. This field is enabled based on the Job Billing Level.
The Cost code valid for the selected job. Click
the lookup to select a value from the Select Billing Activity
pop-up. The selected information appears in the field.
Track Jobs must be turned on to use this option. This field is enabled based on the Job Billing Level.
If this is an AIA Application, this field appears and shows the Change Order number.
Income (or Retainage Receivable*)
The income expense code valid for the selected
Job. Click the lookup to select an expense code from the
Select Expense code pop-up. The selected expense code appears in the field.
*NOTE that when Billing Type is Retainage Draw, then the label for this field is Retainage Receivable.
Acctg Date
The accounting date for the billing. The date defaults to the current system date. To change the date, click in the field and select a date from the electronic calendar.
The description for the allocation. The description depends on the global policy on the AR tab for Default value for billing allocation line description.
Remaining Amount
The remaining amount for the billing. This is a system-calculated value is dependent on how many billings have been entered against the job estimate.
The quantity for the allocation.
The amount being allocated.
Markup Percent
The markup percentage in the format 0.0000. This defaults in from Customer setup but can be changed.
Markup Amount
The calculated amount for markup.
Tax Code
The Sales Tax Code for the billing. This defaults
in based on the Job but is editable. Click the lookup to
select a code from the Select Sales Tax Code pop-up. The selected bank
account information appears in the field.
This field appears only when the Taxable box is selected.
Tax Percent
The sales tax percentage applicable to the item, if any. This field defaults:
-If you completed the tax percentage on the General Tab when setting up the propertycompany.
-Select a Tax Code for that field on the Allocations tab.
This field appears only when the Taxable box is selected.
Tax Amount
The system-computed amount for tax on the billing.
This field appears only when the Taxable box is selected.
Retainage Percent
The user-entered retainage percent for the billing. The percentage is used to calculate Retainage Amount.
Retainage Amount
The system-calculated amount of retainage for the billing. The calculated amount is based on the Retainage Percent entered.
Discount Percent
The percentage discount the customer receives for paying by the Discount Due Date. This field defaults from the Discount Percent field in the General section; however it is editable.
Discount Amount
The amount of the discount the customer receives for paying by the Discount Due Date. This field is calculated and cannot be edited.
Click the delete button to delete the allocation line.
Button (bottom of form)
Click to save changes.
This tab appears when the Auto-create Line Items check box on the Allocations Tab is unchecked.
Seq No
The sequence number for the line item.
The type for the line item, used for formatting and subtotaling on the actual billing. These options are possible:
D (default) - A detail line with an entered amount.
S-1 to S-9 - Subtotal levels that only allow Type and Description to be entered.
The description for the line item. Enter or edit the description.
Acctg Date
The accounting date for the line item. Enter or edit the date.
The quantity for the line item. Enter or edit the quantity. The default is 1.
The unit of measure for the line item. Enter or edit the unit of measure. The default is 1.
The price for the line item. The default value is from the Allocations line.
The amount for the line, calculated by the system.
Button (bottom of form)
Click to save changes.
Reference Number
The reference number for the billing.
Reference Name
The reference name for the billing.
PO Number
The purchase order number associated with the billing.
Attention of
Contact information defaults into the form from the first Job entered.
Address 1 / Address 2
Two lines of address information defaults into the form from the first Job entered
Print Discount Terms and Date
Select the check box to print the discount terms and date on the billing with Print Billings.
NOTE that the Include Message on Billing check box on Print Billings must be selected also for the discount terms and date to be printed.
Button (bottom of form)
Click to save changes.
NOTE that when the current bill plus current balance would exceed the customer’s credit limit, a warning appears during Billing Entry: Customer credit limit exceeded. Proceed? When this warning message appears, the user has the option to continue with the billing. If the customer has a credit limit = zero, however, then the warning is not displayed, as this indicates an unlimited credit limit.
An error message will appear if the accounting void date is earlier than the accounting billing date.
Generate and print AR billings, statements, and information using these menu items:
See Also: AR Reports Introduction
See Also
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