Global Policies Setup - AR Tab

Make the following selections to display this tab:

eFinancials (or ePO)—Setup—Global Setup—Policies—Global Policies—AR tab

Use this tab to set up and manage accounts receivable-related global policies.


Next Billing ID

This field affects eService and eFinancials.

This field defaults to the most recently used billing ID. Accept this default or enter a different ID for the next billing.

Remember to end the format with a number so that the system is able to increment to the next number.

Next Write Off ID

This field defaults to the most recently used Write Off ID. Accept this default or enter a different ID for the next Write Off.

Remember to end the format with a number so that the system is able to increment to the next number.

Default value for billing allocation line description

From the drop-down list, select one of the following description options for what you want to appear by default on the Billings Allocations tab for the Description field:

Use Markups

Unchecked (default), the system does not mark up invoices.

Checked, the system marks up invoices, which is typically done to cover additional expenses or add profit.

Use AR Retainage

Unchecked (default), the system does not use AR Retainage.

Checked, the system uses AR Retainage functionality.

NOTE that Cash Projection provides an idea of how much cash you will need to retain to meet payment obligations during a future time.

Allow billings despite effective/expiration date issues with required documents for jobs

Unchecked, (default), an alert message appears, the billing cannot be saved for invalid jobs, and the user must correct invalid jobs.

Checked, a red warning messages appear when jobs on the detail lines entered in Billing Entry have effective and/or expiration date issues such as missing, not effective, or expired dates on the Required Documents for a job.

NOTE that this policy does not appear unless Jobs is being used for at least one entitycompany.

Projection Period 1 Days

Enter the number of days in the first AR Cash Projection period.

Projection Period 2 Days

Enter the number of days in the second AR Cash Projection period.

Projection Period 3 Days

Enter the number of days in the third AR Cash Projection period.

Projection Period 4 Days

Enter the number of days in the fourth AR Cash Projection period.

Aging Period 1 Days

Enter the number of days in the first AR Aging period.

Aging Period 2 Days

Enter the number of days in the second AR Aging period.

Aging Period 3 Days

Enter the number of days in the third AR Aging period.

Aging Period 4 Days

Enter the number of days in the fourth AR Aging period.

See Also

Global Policies Introduction

Setup Questions