Print Statements

Make the following menu selections to display this page:

eFinancials—Accounts Receivable—Print Statements

Use this page to print accounts receivable statements.

Customers must have Print Monthly Statements checked in Customer setup to be included in the printing process. All other customer selection criteria must also match (Type, Cycle, Location, etc).


Statement Date

Click in the field and select a statement date from the electronic calendar.

Statement period

Click in the fields and select a period month and year for the statement.

If entered, statement includes any outstanding balances up to this period and year. Any billings or checks in the future do not appear. If left blank, all outstanding balances appear.

From / Thru (Customer, Customer Type, Cycle, Location, Priority, Salesperson, Service Type)

Click the Lookup icon to display the Select pop-up and select range of IDs for the statement you want to print.

This is available for Customer, and active AR User Codes.

To Print a billing for an individual Customer or user code, select the same ID for both From and Thru.

Print statements which have zero balance (check box)

Select the check box to print statements that have zero balances. Example:

Customer A: Has paid and unpaid invoices in the specified period and a nonzero customer balance.

Customer B: Has paid invoices in the specified period but a zero balance.

Customer C: Has no invoices in the specified period and a zero balance.

If not checked, for Customer A, all paid invoices print in the specified period and so do all outstanding invoices.

If checked, for Customer A and Customer B, paid invoices print in the specified period and so do all unpaid invoices and checks.

If period is left blank, no paid invoices print for any customer because none of the activity falls into that period (blank period = period 01 for the year 9999).

Print statements for customers with overdue invoices (check box)

Select the check box to print statements for customers that have overdue invoices.

Invoices are included when the Invoice Due date is less than (Statement Date - AR Aging 1 field from the global policies AR tab).

Print statements by job within customers (check box)

Select to print statements by job within a range of customers.

Statement are broken out into sections.

First section is any outstanding billing activity that is not job related. It will titled "Non Job Invoices".

Second section includes the Job breakout and the title for each section will be the Job number and Name.

Third section is any multi job invoices with a title of "Job # Multiple". Non job will print on first page with totaling line - then all job related will start on new page.

Print message on statements (check box / text box)

To include a message on the billing, check the box and then enter into the text box the message you want printed.

Print (button)

Click to print statements.

ClosedDescription of a Statement

Print Statements can print the following for each billing. What prints depends on your selection criteria and setup.

Refer to Fields Lists tabs for more information.

ClosedTo Print Statements

Refer to Fields list, above, for more information about statement selection criteria.

  1. From the eFinancials menu, select Accounts Receivable—Print Statements.
  2. Select a statement date.
  3. Select a statement period.
  4. (Optional) Select From / To ranges  to print. Refer to Fields list for details.
  5. (Optional) Select check boxes for options you want to include:
    Print statements which have zero balance
    Print statements for customers with overdue invoices
    Print statements by job within customers

    Refer to Fields list for details.
  6. (Optional) Select the Include Message on statements check box and then enter a message to print on the statement. Refer to Fields list for details.
  7. Click Print.

See Also

Accounts Receivable Introduction