The Select Unit tab may display
with the Lookup pop-up window on top. Use the
Lookup to select a building/unit or close the
Lookup and type directly into
fields on the Select Unit tab. Refer to fields
below for more information.
Select Unit Tab
Building/Unit *
Use the Lookup
to select a building
and unit or type a building and unit number into the fields.
Additional Units
Click to enable the Additional
Units fields if this application/lease is for more than one unit.
This check box displays if the Additional Units permission
is set (System—Security—Users—eSite—Leasing—Lease
Changes—Additional Units.)
Building/Unit (Additional Units)
The Building and Units fields for Additional Units
do not display unless the Additional Units check box is checked.
Use the Lookup
to select the additional
Building/Unit or type a building and unit number into the fields.
Grid columns
Click a Bldg/Unit
link to make a selection, which closes the Lookup and then your
selection appears in the Select Unit tab.
Columns in the grid include Building, Unit, unit
Type, unit Sub Type, unit Address, Current Sq Ft, Market Rent and Status.
Click on a column header to sort the grid by that column.
Click to search data grids quickly for specific
information. Refer to the GoTo button for
more information.
Click to exit the Lookup without making a selection.
Click to search for a specific unit. The Unit
Search pop-up displays.
Unit Search Pop-up
Select which property to search from the drop-down
list: None, Selection or Range.
Properties are established on the Properties
Selection displays a list of available properties
to choose from. Selection one from the drop-down list.
Range displays these options: From and To.
- At From,
enter the first property to include.
- At To,
enter the last property to include.
Select which building to search from the drop-down
list: None or Building Range.
Buildings are established on the Buildings
Tab. Building Range displays these options: From and To.
- At From,
enter the first building to include.
- At To,
enter the last building to include.
Select which unit number to search for from the
drop-down list: None or Unit Range.
Units are established on the Units
Tab. Unit Range displays these options: From and To.
- At From,
enter the first unit to include.
- At To,
enter the last unit to include.
Select which unit type to search for from the
drop-down list: None or Unit Type Range.
Unit Types are established in Unit
Types setup. Unit Type Range displays these options: From and To.
- At From,
enter the first unit type to include.
- At To,
enter the last unit type to include.
Select which unit sub-type to search for from
the drop-down list: None or Unit Sub-Type Range.
Unit sub-types are established in Unit
Types setup. Sub-Type Range displays these options: From and To.
- At From,
enter the first unit sub-type to include.
- At To,
enter the last unit sub-type to include.
Occupancy Status
Select which occupancy status to search from the
drop-down list: None or Selection.
Selection displays these options: Occupied, Vacant
Available, Vacant Pending, Vacant Leased, Notice Available, Notice Pending,
Notice Leased, Constr Available, Constr Pending, or Constr Leased