Make the following menu selections to display the grid:
Use this grid to manage Units. Unit is a generic term used to describe any space you are managing—for example, apartments in a building. This setup allows you to define each Unit within a Property, including the address, phone number, type, and amenities associated with each Unit.
In general, Units Setup works in this manner.
NOTE that you can click the column header to sort the grid by that column.
Add Unit (button)
Click the button to add a new Unit. Refer to the add instructions later in this topic.
Multi-Property (check box)
Unchecked (default) - The Property ID column does not appear in the grid.
Checked - The Property ID field appears in the grid and shows the building identification.
Quick Filters
Enter search criteria into the field to show in the grid any Units fitting the entered value.
Clear Filters
Click the button to reset the filters you've used.
Property ID
The Property ID that the Unit is associated with.
This column appears in the grid only when the Multi-Property check box is checked.
The building identification. This column heading displays only when you are using the policy to use the Building feature of this software.
The Unit number.
The Unit Type identification.
The secondary type associated with the primary Unit Type.
Unit Status
The status associated with the Unit.
The physical address associated with the Unit.
Sq Ft
The current square footage associated with the Unit.
Market Rent
The Market Rent associated with the Unit.
Occupancy Status
The Occupancy status for the Unit.
Click the Memo
icon to display the Unit Memos Tab.
Click the Documents
icon to view, add, or delete documents. For more
information, refer to Documents Tab.
Use the Delete icon
to delete a Unit. Refer to the delete instructions later
in this topic.
Click the Lookup to display the Select Building pop-up and select a Building ID to associate with the Unit. Entries in the pop-up are established on the Buildings
This field is only editable when adding a Unit.
This field appears only when the global policy for Use building numbers on the Interproperty, Additional Tab is used.
Enter the apartment identification. For example, if you are entering apartments that are number and lettered, enter the number letter assigned to this apartment: 123B.
The label is the Unit Long Name as defined in Property Policies (Property Names Category).
The field is only editable when adding a Unit.
Unit Type
Click the Lookup to display the Select Unit Type pop-up and select a Unit Type to associate with the Unit.
When a Unit Type is selected (added) or changed (edited), the SqFt, Market Rent, MTM Premium, Standard Renewal, and Other Renewal fields are set to the values of the selected Unit Type, replacing any user-entered values.
Entries appearing on this list are established in Unit Types setup.
Physical Unit
Click the Lookup and select
a Physical Unit
from the grid that appears. This assigns the Unit to a Physical Unit and
updates the Assigned Count for that Physical Unit on the Physical
Units grid.
Refer to Assisted Living Overview
for additional information.
When you attempt to assign more Units to a Physical Unit than the number of Units entered in the Unit Count Field for a Physical Unit during setup, a warning appears but you are not required to make a correction. If this situation is not corrected, on the Exceptions report an exception message appears for the Unit.
Appears for Residential Use Only
Select a status for the unit from the drop-down list. The system updates this field automatically based on leasing activity data. Refer to the Unit Status for more information.
Occupancy Status
Select an occupancy status for the unit from the drop-down list. The system updates this field automatically based on leasing activity data. Refer to Occupancy Statuses for more information.
Street Address
Enter the complete street address.
Zip / City / State / Country
Enter the zip code, city, state abbreviation, and country associated with the unit address.
When you enter the zip code, the system may complete the city, state, and country fields. The system does so when a Zip Codes table is available. Refer to Zip Code Tab for more information.
Phone number
Enter the phone number associated with the Unit.
Enter the square footage for this Uunit. The system pulls data entered in this field into the History Tab to update the New SqFt and Change Date fields.
Active Date
Enter an active date for the unit. Or click the calendar button to display an electronic calendar and select the date.
This option is available only when you select the option Use Unit Active/Inactive Dates on the Global Policies Inter Property, Additional Tab and the Property Policies Additional Options category.
Inactive Date
Enter an inactive date for the unit. Or click the calendar button to display an electronic calendar and select the date.
This option is available only when you select the option Use Unit Active/Inactive Dates on the Global Policies Inter Property, Additional Tab and the Property Policies Additional Options category.
Lost Rent ("Method")
Enter the amount of Lost Rent for the unit.
This field is subject to a selection made in the Method to Calculate Lost Rent field on the Property Policies Calculations category. If the option Fixed Potential is selected, the field is editable. If any other option is selected, the field is a display-only computed amount that is based on the selection made.
Income Code
Select an Income Code from the drop-down list to use when tracking Lost Rent for this Unit.
The default when adding a new Unit is the first income code of type, Vacancy.
Entries on this list are established in Income Codes setup. The following income codes are valid for this field: Lost rent, Vacancy, Model, Employee.
These additional fields display on the General Tab when your property type is set to 6-Standard Commercial. Refer to the Policies and Setup Guide for more information.
Enter the useable square footage for this Unit.
Enter the rentable square footage for this Unit.
Enter the leaseable square footage for this Unit.
User Sq Ft Name (user-defined label)
Enter a square footage value in the field.
The label for this field is defined in the User Sq Ft Name Property Policy setting (Property Names category).
Date of Sq Ftg Chg
The date that the last change to the SqFt was made. This field is display-only.
Percent of Property
This field is calculated by the system based on the default SqFt Type defined in Property Setup, however it can be edited by the user. The percent will be calculated whenever the SqFt is changed for the Unit.
Master Lease Property
Click the Lookup to display the Select Master Lease Property pop-up and select a Property ID to associate with the Unit.
Master Lease
Click the Lookup to display the Select Master Lease pop-up and select an option to associate with the Unit. Refer to Master Lease
Tab for information about Master Leases.
GENERAL NOTES for Commercial Properties Only
Override Calculated Market Rent (check box)
Residential Properties
Unchecked (default) - The Market Rent field is disabled and it will be calculated based on Unit Type, Market Rent, and Amenities.
Checked - The Market Rent field is enabled so that the user can enter a value for Market Rent.
Commercial Properties
Unchecked (default) - Rental Rate, Market Rent and Rate Per SqFt are not editable.
Checked - The Market Rent field is enabled so that the user can enter a value for Market Rent.
Rental Rate
Commercial Properties Only
Select an option from the drop-down box. Options include, $ Per SqFt, Annual, and Monthly.
This field is only editable when the Override Calculated Market Rent check box is checked.
Market Rent
This field is editable only when Override Calculated Market Rent is not checked.
Enter the Market Rent for this Unit (format 0000.00).
MTM Premium
Defaults based on Unit Type.
Std Renewal
Defaults based on Unit Type.
Other Renewal
Defaults based on Unit Type.
Last Market / Changed On
The most recent prior Market Rent and the date it changed to the current value. Both fields are display only.
The Amenity code as set up in Amenities Setup.
The Amenity description as set up in Amenities Setup.
The Amenity price as set up in Amenities Setup.
Click Delete to delete an Amenity line.
Carpet / Appliances / Other
Enter a two-character code in each text box for the color of each item.
Last Vacate
The date the Unit was last vacated (editable). This date is automatically set by the system when a move-out occurs.
Last Painted / Carpet Replaced / Other
Click in each field and enter the appropriate date for each.
Make Ready
Click in the field and enter the date when the Unit is expected to be ready.
Click in the field and enter the date when the unit is actually ready
A user-defined field. Enter a two-character code in the text box
Enter the floor number on which the Unit is located.
Profit Center
Enter a 20 alphanumeric character Profit
Center code if you are linking the Unit income/billing to a Profit Center.
This field is only available when profit centers are used.
Enter free-form text in the text box.
This tab is only available when either:
Depending on the policies, the tab will either not be shown, will have a title of HUD, will have a title of HUD/Affordable or will have a title of Affordable.
This section shows only when the HUD policy is on.
Enter the HUD Type.
Enter the contract dollar amount for the HUD Unit.
Enter a HUD allowance amount for the HUD Unit.
This section shows only when the HUD Affordable policy is on.
Enter up to three characters for the set-aside amount, e.g., 50%.
Homeless Unit (check box)
Unchecked (default) – The Unit is not considered a Homeless Unit.
Checked – The Unit is considered a Homeless Unit.
Initial Qualify Date
Enter the date when the unit initially qualified as an Affordable Housing Unit.
This tab shows the date of change and the new square footage of the Unit for SqFt History and Market Rent History.
When the SqFt field is changed by the user on the General Tab and the Unit saved, a new record is written in this tab. There is not need to make a manual entry in this case. This tab is used only to correct old data where mistakes were made, or changes were not recorded.
SqFt History
Residential Properties
New SqFt / Changed Date
Click in the field and add or edit the square footage and/or date when the square footage changed.
Each line is a history of the square footage of the Unit and the date the value was changed.
Click Delete to delete a line.
Commercial Properties
New Useable / New Rentable / New Leaseable / New User Sq Ft Name (user-defined label) / Changed Date
All square footage types are displayed. Click in the field and add /or edit the square footage and /or date when the square footage changed.
Each line is a history of the square footage of the Unit and the date the value was changed.
Click Delete to delete a line.
Market Rent History
New Market Rent / Changed Date
Click in the field and add or edit the Market Rent and/or date when the Market Rent changed.
Each line is a history of the Market Rent of the Unit and the date the value was changed.
Click Delete to delete a line.
Use the Charges Tab to set up default charges for any new Lease added to this Unit. Each line is a default charge and amount for the Unit.
Default Charges
Income Code
Select an income code from the drop-down list to use for default charges for this Unit. Entries on this list are established in Income Codes setup.
For example, you can select the Income Code, Appliance Rent.
Enter an amount for the Income Code. To continue the example above, you can enter 50.00 as the Appliance Rent value.
Click Delete to delete a line.
See Also
Unit Default Charges List Report
Setup Questions
Setup Questions: Units - General Tab
Setup Questions: Units - Market Rent
Setup Questions: Units - Details Tab
Setup Questions: Units - HUD / Affordable Tab
Setup Questions: Units - History Tab
Setup Questions: Units - Charges
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