The Assisted Living function is designed for use by properties that want to manage residential space for group living arrangements, typically for assisted living, senior living, student living, or other group living situations. This is done by setting up the system so that "Units" are contained within a "Physical Unit." A facility, apartment, or dormitory may use beds or bedrooms as the Unit, and the room, apartment, pod, "single", "double" or "triple" that contains the beds or bedrooms is the Physical Unit. The Physical Units functionality is a way for you to track and report on this many-to-one association.
For example:
Assisted Living
One apartment (Unit) in a building (Physical
Two beds (Units) in a room (Physical Unit)
Student Housing
Three bedrooms (Units) in a triple (Physical
Four bedrooms (Units) in an apartment (Physical Unit)
Five bedrooms (Units) in a pod (Physical Unit)
If you do not want to track and report on Units in this way, this information does not apply to you.
The name of the any "Units" tabs, menu items, and links are based on the Unit Long Name value in the Property Names category for property policies associated with the current Property. For example, if the value is "Bed," then any names for tabs, menu items, and links all contain" Bed," as in Bed Occupancy Days (rather than Unit Occupancy Days).
In addition to the standard Residential reports, the following Assisted Living-specific reports are available:
Management Reports
Rent Roll (Assisted Living options)
Resident Reports
Occupants on Property
Setup Reports
Discharge Reasons
The Exceptions Report lists warnings when the Unit count exceeds the number of units set up for a Physical Unit.
To facilitate setup and management of properties using Assisted Living functionality, Units can be combined or split, and copied, deleted or renumbered within a Property as well as across Properties.
See Also