Vendors Overview

Vendors are the individuals or companies who provide goods or services to your business. This section provides an overview of Vendors menu items including setup details, the effect of policies, and more.


Depending on the applications purchased by your company, vendor-related tabs can display from either eFinancials or ePO menus.

ClosedSetup Details

Setting up vendors is required. If you want to process accounts payable transactions—that is, process invoices and pay for goods and services rendered to your business by vendors—vendors must be set up. Vendors can be set up at any time because they do not affect the setup process.

From the Security module (System—Security—Users or Roles), using permissions administrators can restrict a user's ability to add and delete vendors, and view/edit vendor setup tabs. You can also hide the Direct Deposit tab from view entirely, allowing sensitive information to be secure and unviewable. Refer to the System module help for information about setting permissions.

If your company uses ePO, vendors can be exported from ePO and imported into eFinancials. Refer to Vendor Groups Exported to ePO for more information.

Vendor setup tabs controlled by user and group permissions that are set in the System module. Refer to

Setup Prerequisite

Expense codes must already be set up and available for selection. Refer to Expense Codes Overview for more information.

Optional Setup Prerequisites

Allocation tables are selected on the General tab. Setting up allocations is optional. Allocations can be set up at any time because they do not affect the setup process. Refer to Allocation Overview for more information.

Hold codes are selected on the General tab. Setting up hold codes is optional. Hold codes can be set up at any time because they do not affect the setup process. Refer to Hold Codes Overview for more information.

Vendor groups are selected on the Groups tab. Setting up groups is optional. They can be set up at any time because they do not affect the setup process. Refer to Groups Overview for more information. If your business submits 1099s electronically or on magnetic media, you must set up at least one 1099 PropertyCompany group. Refer to 1099 Process Prerequisites for more information.

Setup Questions

Setup Questions Vendor General Tab 

Setup Questions Vendor Address Tab

Setup Questions Vendor Mailing Tab

Setup Questions Vendor 1099 Tab

Setup Questions Vendor Required Documents Tab

Setup Questions Vendor Direct Deposit Tab

Setup Questions Vendor Groups Tab

See Also

Set Up

Vendors Tab Setup

Check Tab Policies

Vendor Tab Global Policies

Vendor Tab User Policies


Vendor Import Tab


Vendor Export Tab


Select Vendor Tab with a Lookup icon

Select Vendor Tab from a grid


Vendor Labels Tab

Vendor List Tab


Purge Vendor

Effect of Global Policies

Effect of User Policies

1099 Reporting

Vendors Tab Setup

Accounts Overview