Groups Overview

Groups are used during PropertyCompany and Vendor set up to create special-use groups. Groups can be used to limit or grant access to information. In addition, Groups can be part of an information-gathering setup.

Depending on the applications purchased by your PropertyCompany, group-related tabs can display from either eFinancials or ePO menus.


Setting up groups is optional. If you do not want to use the Group option, do not set up Groups. Groups can be set up at any time because they do not affect the setup process.

ClosedPropertyCompany Groups

On the Setup Groups tab, you can add PropertyCompany-specific groups. Setting up groups allows you to establish the following associations:

Associate PropertiesCompanies with a PropertyCompany group

When you select a PropertyCompany group, you can make changes or perform specified billings that may apply to the PropertiesCompanies in the PropertyCompany group, but not to all PropertiesCompanies you own.

Associate a group of vendors with a PropertyCompany

When you select a PropertyCompany, and then request a vendor list—for example, use a Lookup Button to display a list—the system filters the entire list of vendors and displays only the vendors in the group for the selected PropertyCompany.

Closed1099 PropertyCompany Groups

On the Setup Groups tab, you can add 1099-reporting-specific groups. Setting up groups allows you to establish the following association:

Associate PropertyCompany with one federal tax identification number

When you associate one federal tax identification number with one or more PropertiesCompanies, you can process 1099 data together under the one federal tax identification number. The use of the one federal tax identification number consolidates the reporting for all PropertiesCompanies that belong to one PropertyCompany. Refer to 1099 Process Prerequisites for more information.

ClosedVendor Groups

On the Setup Groups tab, you can add vendor-specific groups. Setting up groups allows you to establish the following associations:

Associate vendors with a vendor group

When you select a vendor group, you can make charges or perform specified billings that may apply to the vendors in the vendor group, but not to all vendors in your system.

Associate a group of vendors with a function

When you set up a function, for example, Maintenance, and then request a vendor list—for example, use a Lookup icon to display a list—the system filters the entire list of vendors and displays only the vendors in the group for the selected function.

Setup Questions

Setup Questions

See Also

Groups Tab

Groups Tab Properties

Groups Tab Vendors

Group List Report

Vendor List Report

Vendor Labels Report

Vendor Groups Exported to ePO

Associated Pages

Groups Tab Setup

Global Setup Overview

Setup Sequence