Setup Questions - Vendor Direct Deposit Tab

Questions in this section are intended to help you make decisions about your setup. The questions follow the pattern detailed in the field list that is associated with the task. A field list follows the questions should you need additional information to answer a question.


  1. Print this topic—one set of questions for each vendor you want to add. Right-click this topic to display a pop-up menu, and then select Print.
  2. Confirm that you have read the setup details on the topic.
  3. Answer each of the questions on this page.
  4. Enter a response or circle your answer. If circling, use a highlight marker to select an If statement that matches your response. The If statement tells you what you should do on the tab in the system.
  5. Use your answers to set up direct deposits for each vendor you want to add.

Questions for Direct Deposit Tab

Send email notification of Direct Deposit to

What is the vendor email address to be used for notification of a direct deposit.

Enter the email address: ________________________________

# of Prenotes

How many pre-notes should I process prior to actually transferring funds?

1st account: ________________________________

Complete only if splitting direct deposits across multiple accounts:

2nd account: ________________________________

3rd account: ________________________________

4th account: ________________________________

Suppress printing of advice when sending via email

Do you want to suppress the printing of deposit advices that print when checks are printed and instead send a deposit advice by email?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

—If yes, add a checkmark.

—If no, accept the default of no checkmark.


Is this vendor using this bank for direct deposit for payments?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

—If yes, add a checkmark.

—If no, accept the default of no checkmark.

Do you want to split direct deposits across multiple accounts/banks for this vendor?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On this page and on the screen:

—If no, complete the next items for the first bank/account only.

—If yes, complete the next items for each account. Space for four accounts is provided; add more accounts if needed.

Bank Name / Routing # / Account # /Account Type / Amount Type

What is the Bank Name / Routing # / Account # combination for the account(s) for the financial institution(s) used by this vendor? Complete as many lines as you need for the Vendor. Refer to instructions and examples on the Direct Deposit Tab for more information.

Account Type      Amount Type

Circle one:          Enter a Value into one blank only:

Bank 1 ___________ Routing # ___________ Account #: ___________ Checking / Savings      Amount ______ /  Percentage ______ /  Remaining % ______

Bank 1 ___________ Routing # ___________ Account #: ___________ Checking / Savings      Amount ______ /  Percentage ______ /  Remaining % ______

Bank 1 ___________ Routing # ___________ Account #: ___________ Checking / Savings      Amount ______ /  Percentage ______ /  Remaining % ______

Bank 1 ___________ Routing # ___________ Account #:___________ Checking / Savings      Amount ______ /  Percentage ______ /  Remaining % ______


Account Type      Amount Type

Circle one:          Enter a Value into one blank only:

Bank 2 ___________ Routing # ___________ Account #: ___________ Checking / Savings      Amount ______ /  Percentage ______ /  Remaining % ______

Bank 1 ___________ Routing # ___________ Account #: ___________ Checking / Savings      Amount ______ /  Percentage ______ /  Remaining % ______

Bank 1 ___________ Routing # ___________ Account #: ___________ Checking / Savings      Amount ______ /  Percentage ______ /  Remaining % ______

Bank 1 ___________ Routing # ___________ Account #:___________ Checking / Savings      Amount ______ /  Percentage ______ /  Remaining % ______


Account Type      Amount Type

Circle one:          Enter a Value into one blank only:

Bank 3 ___________ Routing # ___________ Account #: ___________ Checking / Savings      Amount ______ /  Percentage ______ /  Remaining % ______

Bank 1 ___________ Routing # ___________ Account #: ___________ Checking / Savings      Amount ______ /  Percentage ______ /  Remaining % ______

Bank 1 ___________ Routing # ___________ Account #: ___________ Checking / Savings      Amount ______ /  Percentage ______ /  Remaining % ______

Bank 1 ___________ Routing # ___________ Account #:___________ Checking / Savings      Amount ______ /  Percentage ______ /  Remaining % ______


Account Type      Amount Type

Circle one:          Enter a Value into one blank only:

Bank 4 ___________ Routing # ___________ Account #: ___________ Checking / Savings      Amount ______ /  Percentage ______ /  Remaining % ______

Bank 1 ___________ Routing # ___________ Account #: ___________ Checking / Savings      Amount ______ /  Percentage ______ /  Remaining % ______

Bank 1 ___________ Routing # ___________ Account #: ___________ Checking / Savings      Amount ______ /  Percentage ______ /  Remaining % ______

Bank 1 ___________ Routing # ___________ Account #:___________ Checking / Savings      Amount ______ /  Percentage ______ /  Remaining % ______


Vendors Overview