Global Policies Setup - Check Tab

Make the following menu selections to display the global policies tabs:

eFinancials (or ePO)—Setup—Global Setup—Policies—Global Policies—Check tab

Use this tab to set up and manage check-related global policies.


Print checks to unapproved vendors

This option defaults as unchecked. Accept this default if you want to allow users to print checks or Quick Checks made out to any vendor regardless of the vendor status—approved or unapproved. Or, select the check box to stop users from printing checks made out to unapproved vendors.

Check selection includes authorized invoices in unapproved batches

This option defaults as unchecked. When this option is checked, then an authorized invoice in an unapproved batch can be paid through Check Processing or  Check Entry. This is a way to waive the requirement that invoices must be in approved batches in order to be paid.

Require Check Run Approval

This option defaults as unchecked.

This option works with the User permission to Approve Check RunsClosed (Financials - Accounts Payable - Check Processing - Check Runs - Approve Check Runs) in System.

Important Details

Store check copies

This option defaults as unchecked. When this option is checked, then you can print a copy of a check at any time after Check Run Processing is complete.

With the policy selected, the Print Check Copy button appears on the form after Check Processing is complete. The button appears disabled if the policy is set but the check copy does not exist because it was part of an old check run created prior to this policy.

The check copy that prints is an exact copy of the check as last printed, before the check run was marked as Done; therefore, changes to Check Formats have no impact on this copy.

Require password to print checks using Signature Font

This option is used to provide additional control over security for electronic signatures for checks. To set up the security:

Then, when checks are processed, the Password for Signature Font field displays automatically. After entering the correct password, the check processing continues and the electronic signature is printed on the checks.


If you selected the policy, Require password to print checks using Signature Font, then this field appears. Enter a password.

Confirm Password

Retype the password typed in the Password field, above, if applicable.


Click to exit without saving your changes.


Click to save your changes.

See Also

Effect of Check Policies

General Tab Vendors

Checks Overview

Vendor Tab Policies

Global Policies Introduction

Setup Questions Checks