Setup Questions - Vendor General Tab

Questions in this section are intended to help you make decisions about your setup. The questions follow the pattern detailed in the field list that is associated with the task. A field list follows the questions should you need additional information to answer a question.

Additional Information

Refer to the following topic for more information: Vendor General Tab.


  1. Print this topic—one set of questions for each vendor you want to add. Right-click this topic to display a pop-up menu, and then select Print.
  2. Confirm that you have read the setup details on the topic.
  3. Answer each of the questions on this page.
  4. Enter a response or circle your answer. If circling, use a highlight marker to select an If statement that matches your response. The If statement tells you what you should do on the tab in the system.
  5. Use your answers to set up each vendor you want to add.

Questions for General Tab

1st Column

Vendor ID

What ID do I want to use for this vendor?

Enter an ID: ____________________________________


What name do I want to use for this vendor?

Enter a name: __________________________________

Short Name

What short name do I want to use for this vendor?

Enter a name: __________________________________

Customer ID

What customer ID has the vendor assigned to my business?

Enter an ID: ____________________________________

Expense code

What expense code do I want to use for this vendor?

Enter the expense code: __________________________

The expense code you select is linked to this vendor as the general ledger account number used for invoicing.

Allocation Table

What allocation table do I want to use for this vendor?

Enter a table name: _____________________________

Payment Priority

What is the payment priority for this vendor?

For future use.

Hold Code

What hold code (if any) do I want to apply to this vendor?

Enter a hold code: _______________________________


What category do I want to put this vendor in?

Circle a category: Permanent, Temporary, One Time.

Approved By

What is the Approved By code that I want to use for this vendor?

Invoice Type

What is the Invoice Type code that I want to use for this vendor?


What is the Location code that I want to use for this vendor?


What is the Priority code that I want to use for this vendor?

Vendor Type

What is the Vendor Type code that I want to use for this vendor?

2nd Column


Is this vendor an approved vendor?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

—If yes, add a check mark.

—If no, accept the default of no check mark.

Policies set on the Global Policies Vendor Tab affect this field.


Do I still intend to do business with this vendor?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

—If yes, accept the default of no check mark.

—If no, add a check mark.

PO Required

Does this vendor require a purchase order?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

—If yes, add a check mark.

—If no, accept the default of no check mark.

Policies set on the Global Policies PO Tab affect this field.

Address on Invoice Required

Do you want to set up this vendor to have the ability to assign a different payee and address per invoice, on the fly, during Invoice Entry?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

—If yes, add a check mark.

—If no, accept the default of no check mark.

Refer to Invoices Tab, Paying Invoices with Different Payees/Addresses Using One Vendor for a list of other options that must be selected to use this feature.

Separate Check/Invoice

Does this vendor require a separate check for each invoice?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

—If yes, add a check mark.

—If no, accept the default of no check mark.

Do you want to set up this vendor to have the ability to assign a different payee and address per invoice, on the fly, during Invoice Entry?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

—If yes, add a check mark.

—If no, accept the default of no check mark.

Refer to Separate Check Concepts and Processes and Invoices Tab, Paying Invoices with Different Payees/Addresses Using One Vendor for more information

3rd Column

Discount %

What discount percentage does this vendor offer?

Enter the discount rate, using a whole number
to represent the percentage: ______________________

Answer this question if you set up discounted payments. Otherwise, leave this question unanswered.

Discount days

How many days does the discount rate for this vendor apply for?

Enter the number of days: ________________________

Answer this question if you set up discounted payments. Otherwise, leave this question unanswered.

Net Days

How many days before the entire amount is due?

Enter the number of days: ________________________

Answer this question if you set up discounted payments. Otherwise, leave this question unanswered.

Retainage %

What is the percentage of Retainage for this vendor? The default is 0.00

Enter a percentage (2 decimal places) : ________________________

Credit Limit

What is the credit limit for this vendor?

Enter a whole number: ________________________

Last Activity

This is the system-generated last transaction date for this vendor, display-only. You can use this date when making a decision on whether to close the vendor. No setup is required.


Vendors Overview