AP: Purchase Order List

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Reports—AP Reports—PO List or
—Reports—Purchase Order List

Use this tab to print an accounts payable purchase order list. There are three reports that can be printed:


Select PropertiesCompanies

Click to select PropertiesCompanies from the Select PropertiesCompanies pop-up. The report runs for all selected PropertiesCompanies.

Report type

Select a report type. Options are:

List (default) - Prints a Purchase Order List Report.

Balance - Prints a PO Balance Report.

Detail - Prints a PO Detail Status Report. Refer to Report Description later in this topic for more information.

Sort By

Select a sort mechanism from the drop-down list. The following sorts are possible: PO (default), Vendor, Account.

From PO Date / Thru PO Date

Enter a starting and ending purchase order date. Or use the electronic calendar to select a date.

From PO / Thru PO

Click the Lookup icon to display the Select Purchase Order pop-up and select a starting and an ending purchase order. Purchase order numbers appearing on this list are established using the Purchase Orders Tab, and are valid only for the selected PropertiesCompanies.

From Vendor ID / Thru Vendor ID

Click the Lookup icon to display the Select Vendor pop-up and select a starting and an ending vendor ID. Entries appearing on this list are established on the Vendors Tab in AP Setup.

From Job / Thru Job

Click the Lookup icon to display the Select Job pop-up and select a starting and an ending Job. Jobs appearing on this list are established in Jobs setup in the Job Cost application.

From Account / Thru Account

Click the Lookup icon to display the Select GL Account pop-up and select a starting and an ending general ledger account number. Account numbers appearing on this list are established on the GL Accounts Tab in GL Setup.

NOTE that this option is available for the Purchase Order List report only.

PO Status

Select a status from the drop-down list. The following statuses are possible: All (default), Open, Closed, Revised, Pending, Denied, Backorder, Void.

Print Allocations

The box defaults to checked so that reports include allocations automatically. Click this box to remove the checkmark when you do not want the report to include allocations.

Print Supporting Detail

Select this check box to print supporting detail on the PO Balance Status report.

NOTE that this option is available for the PO Balance Status report only.

Include Zero Balances

Select to include purchase orders with zero balances on the report.

NOTE that this option is available for the PO Balance Status report only.

Line Item Information

Select to print the PO Detail Status report line items by Dollars (default) or Quantities.

NOTE that this option is available for the PO Detail Status report only.

Report Format

PDF Format - Select this option if you want the report to print in PDF format. For more information, refer to Report Printing Options.

Create Spreadsheet - Select this option if you want the report to print in an Excel spreadsheet. For more information, refer to Report Printing Options.


Click to print the report.

ClosedReport Description


Reports show information for purchase orders entered in ePO only when run from ePO. They do not show information for purchase orders entered in eFinancials. To view this report with information for all purchase orders, eFinancials users can generate this report from the eFinancials—Reports—AP Reports menu.

Purchase Order List

This report provides a list of purchase orders for all selected PropertiesCompanies. The report prints by PropertyCompany and includes:

PO date, Status,PO number, vendor ID, vendor name, total amount, invoiced amount, remaining amount, and the PO status.

Each purchase order appearing on the report is followed by one or more detail lines that includes:

the PropertyCompany number to which the purchase order applies, account number, account description, detail total amount, detailed invoiced amount, and detailed remaining amount.

If Print Allocation is selected, then PropertyCompany number, account number, description, and amount appear on the report for each allocation line of the purchase order.

PO Balance Report

The PO Balance Report prints purchase order information based on the selected report criteria. The report provides a list of purchase orders for all selected PropertiesCompanies. It prints by PropertyCompany and includes the following:

PO number, PO status, PO description, PO amount, PO balance

Vendor number and name

Invoice amount

Retainage and retainage balance

Payments, open balance, and PO date.

When the Print Supporting Detail option is selected, then related invoice and payment information is printed.

When Include Zero Balances is selected, then information for purchase orders with zero balances is printed.

Only when the Track Jobs policy is set for the current CompanyEntity:

The From Job / Thru Job fields are available as selection criteria.

Job columns can print in the report.

When the purchase order contains multiple lines with different Jobs, only one Job prints.

PO Detail Status Report

The Purchase Order Detail Status Report prints purchase order information, based on the selected report criteria, to show the status of the purchase orders with line item detail. Line item amounts can be shown in dollar or quantity amounts. You can see all of the line items and their activity as well as the billings and retainage information on the total purchase order.

 The report prints by PropertyCompany and includes the following:

PO number, PO Description

Vendor number and name

PO Date and PO Amount

For each line: line number and description, Warehouse ID, Item ID, Item Description, Job Phase and Cost, amount or quantity, unit of measure, unit cost, number Received/Remaining/Billed, and Date Received.


PO totals for Line amount, PO balance, invoice amount, Retainage balance, payments and open balance.

Only when the Track Jobs policy is set for the current CompanyEntity:

The From Job / Thru Job fields are available as selection criteria.

Job columns can print in the report.

When the purchase order contains multiple lines with different Jobs, only one Job prints.

ClosedTo Print the Report

  1. From the eFinancials menu, select Reports—AP Reports—Purchase Order List. Or, from the ePO menu, select Reports—Purchase Order List.
  2. Click Select PropertiesCompanies. Select the PropertiesCompanies for which you want to print the report and click Done.
  3. Select a Report type:

    prints the Purchase Order List Report.
    prints the PO Balance Report.
    prints a PO Detail Status report.
  4. The selection criteria that now appears on the page depends on the type of report you selected. Use the Fields list to complete the fields on the form.
  5. Select one of the following report printing options:
  6. Click Print. If you selected Create Spreadsheet, you are prompted to open or save the report Excel file. Otherwise, the report opens in PDF format.

See Also

Reports Introduction

ePO Introduction