Report Printing Options

The PDF Format and Create Spreadsheet options appear on tabs throughout the Reports modules. These options are located at the bottom of report tabs.

Paper Size

The size of the paper on which the report prints displays in the print dialog box.

ClosedPDF Format Option

Use this option to display a report in PDF format. After the PDF displays, use the print capabilities of PDF to print the report.

Look for Transaction Details

After the spreadsheet displays, move your cursor around on the report. If the cursor changes and a URL address displays, then the report includes links to transaction details. Click a link to display another report that contains the transaction details.

Transaction details are available on many general ledger reports and some accounts payable reports.

ClosedCreate Spreadsheet Option

Use this option to display a report in an Excel spreadsheet. After the spreadsheet displays, use the capabilities of Excel to print or save the spreadsheet.

See Also

Reports Introduction - eFinancials

Reports Introduction - Job Cost

Reports Introduction - Contracts

Reports Introduction - Inventory

Excel Spreadsheet Not Printing