Purchase Order Statuses

The following statuses are possible:


Purchase orders carry this status when the purchase order has been through the approval process. You can select the purchase order, or line items on the purchase order, for inclusion in an invoice. Once fully invoiced, a purchase order will be automatically hidden and will not appear on the Dashboard.

Back Ordered

Purchase orders carry this status when items on the purchase order are on back order. The invoice has been through the approval process.  


Purchase orders carry this status when all of the line items making up the purchase order have been processed, including items carrying the following statuses: Back Ordered, Voided, Denied, Revised.


Purchase orders carry this status when the purchase order total was more than the spending limit for the user or more than the budgeted amount, and the purchase order was not approved. Purchase orders that have been denied appear on the Dashboard of the user who entered the purchase order. Denied purchase orders are not automatically hidden, so they must be manually hidden.


Purchase orders carry this status when the purchase order is approved and within the spending and budget limits of the current user. A purchase order carries an open status as long as it includes line items that have not been selected for invoicing.


Purchase orders carry this status when the purchase order total is more than the spending limit for the user or more than the budgeted amount. Pending purchase orders require the approval of a user with approval authorization before they can be included in any transaction. Purchase orders that must be approved appear on the Dashboard of both the approving user and the user who entered the purchase order.


Purchase orders carry this status when the purchase order total was more than the spending limit for the user or more than the budgeted amount, and the user who is able to approve the purchase order requested that the purchase order be revised. Purchase orders that carry this status appear on the Dashboard of the user who entered the purchase order.


Purchase orders carry this status when the purchase order has been voided. You can void a purchase order as long as it is not in an approved batch. When a purchase order is in an approved batch, you cannot void the purchase order. To be able to delete a purchase order, you must first void the purchase order.  

See Also

Purchase Order Overview