Payment Inquiry Detail Tab

Use this tab to view payment detail information.



Data from the previous tab displays at the top of the tab, starting with the check number. Also at the top of the tab:


This field defaults to Find Line; however, if you click any underlined grid column title, the field label changes to reflect your selection. You can then search for line items based on the field label. For example, if you know the line item description, click the Description column title and the find field label changes to Find Description.

Enter the first few letters or numbers to search for (or select from a drop-down list if one displays), and then select the Find button. The items that are the nearest match to your entry display in the grid below. Click column titles to sort the list further.



The line number on the payment. Click this column title to sort the list and change the Find field.


The purchase order or subcontract number associated with the payment. Click this column title to sort the list and change the Find field. Click the link to drill down.

If the item is a purchase order, the drill down goes to the purchase order Edit/View.

If the item is a subcontract, the drill down goes to the subcontracts Edit/View.

Invoice ID

The invoice ID for the payment detail line. Click this column title to sort the list and change the Find field. Click an invoice identification to display details on the Invoices Tab.

Inv Ln#

The invoice line number for the payment detail line. Click this column title to sort the list and change the Find field.

Voucher ID

The voucher ID for the payment detail line. Click this column title to sort the list and change the Find field.

PropertyCompany ID

The PropertyCompany ID for the payment detail line. Click this column title to sort the list and change the Find field.

Exp. Code

The expense code for the payment detail line. Click this column title to sort the list and change the Find field.


A description of the payment detail line. Click this column title to sort the list and change the Find field.


The amount of the payment detail line. Click this column title to sort the list and change the Find field.


Select this button when you want to stop without saving changes.

See Also

Payment Inquiry Grid

Attaching Documents to Payments and Invoices