Setup Companies Grid - Simplified Setup

Make the following menu selections to display this grid:

eFinancials—Setup—GL Setup—Companies or

Use this grid to set up or manage companies.

Refer to the following topics for more information:Companies Overview, 1099 Overview.

ClosedGrid Fields

The following fields and buttons appear on the grid that displays when you select the menu option.

Add Company

Click the button to add a new company. Tabs to complete display. Refer to instructions on how to add a company, below, for more information.


Company ID

The company identification that appears on lists and in reports. Click this column title to sort the list, click the Filter button to filter the grid by this column, or click the Company ID link to display the company tabs.


The description of the company that appears on lists and in reports. Click this column title to sort the list or click the Filter button to filter the grid by this column.


One of these icons appears in this column:

No documents are currently stored for the company. Click the icon to upload documents for the company.

At least one document is currently stored for the company. Rest your mouse pointer on the icon to see the number of documents stored. Click the icon to view, add, or delete documents.

For more information, refer to the Documents Tab instructions.


Use the Delete button to delete a company.

ClosedTo Add a Company

  1. Select Setup—GL Setup—Companies and then click Add Company. Complete the tabs that display: General Tab, Addresses Tab, Groups Tab, 1099 Tab. These tabs allow you to enter information that must be set up first.
  2. Click Save. The setup tabs display again.
  3. Complete any additional setup tabs, as applicable. The other tabs that may appear now are: Accounts & Expense Codes Tab, Addresses Tab, Groups Tab, Banks Tab, 1099 Tab, Default Budget Tab. These tabs allow to you complete the remainder of the information required to set up a company.

ClosedTo Edit a Company

  1. Select Setup—GL Setup—Companies.
  2. Use the Filter button the grid to locate the company you want to edit, if necessary, and then select the ID link in the Company ID column. Various company tabs display, depending on how the company was set up previously.
  3. Use any of these field lists to help you complete the tabs that display: General, Accounts & Expense Codes, Addresses, Groups, Banks, 1099, and Default Budget, Consolidated.
  4. Click Save. The company grid displays again.

ClosedTo Delete a Company

  1. Select Setup—GL Setup—Companies.
  2. Use the Filter button to locate the company you want to delete.  
  3. Click the Delete button in the Delete column. The company tabs display.
  4. Click Confirm Delete.

See Also

Companies Overview

Edit Company Tabs

General Tab

Accounts and Expense Codes Tab

Addresses Tab

Groups Tab

Banks Tab

1099 Tab

Default Budget Tab

Consolidated Tab