Companies General Tab - Simplified Setup

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Setup—GL Setup—Companies—General Tab or
ePO—Setup—Companies—General Tab

Use this tab to set up or edit general information about the company.


A red dot Required field indicates a required field or selection.

Company ID Required field

Enter the company identification. This ID appears on lists and in reports.

Description Required field

Enter a description of the company, which is frequently the name of the company. This description appears on lists and in reports.

Federal Tax ID

Enter the IRS-assigned federal tax identification for the company. Use one of the following formats, where n is a number: nn-nnnnnnn, nnn-nn-nnnn  This ID appears on lists and in reports.

Accounting Type

Select an accounting type from the drop-down list: Accrual or Cash. Refer to Accounting Type and Effect of Accounting Type, and  Intercompany Accounting Concepts and Processes for more information.

Calendar Required field

Click the Lookup Button to display the Select Calendar Tab and select a calendar for the company.

Current GL Period Required field

Enter the current GL period, entering period and year into the two fields.

Current AP Period Required field

Enter the current AP period, entering period and year into the two fields.

Current AR Period Required field

Enter the current AR period, entering period and year into the two fields.

PO Tax %

Enter the sales tax percentage of the municipality in which the company is located. If the tax amounts vary, leave the field blank.

Alternate Company

Click the Lookup Button to display the Select Alternate Company pop-up and select an alternate company. Be sure to select that company is valid for posting. Refer to Data Entry Shortcut for more information.

Next PO # Required field

Enter the next purchase order number. When the next purchase order is created, the system looks at this field, duplicates the format, and assigns the next sequential number. Purchase order numbers must be unique for properties; that is, no two properties can have the same purchase order number.

Next Recurring PO # Required field

Enter the next recurring purchase order number. When the next recurring purchase order is created, the system looks at this field, duplicates the format, and assigns the next sequential number. Recurring purchase order numbers must be unique for properties; that is, no two properties can have the same recurring purchase order number.

Next Subcontract # Required field

Enter the next subcontract number. When the next subcontract number is created, the system looks at this field, duplicates the format, and assigns the next sequential number. Subcontract numbers must be unique for properties; that is, no two properties can have the same subcontract number.


Enter the number of units at the company. This field is for informational purposes only; it has nothing to do with Unit Tracking.

Sq. Feet

Enter the total square footage for the company. This field is for informational purposes only.


This option defaults as unchecked. Leave unchecked if you do not want to generate consolidated financial reports for this company.

Check the box if you want to generate consolidated financial reports for this company. When this occurs, several things happen: fields are hidden on the General tab (only Company ID, Description, Calendar and Current GL Period appear); and the Consolidated Tab displays and other tabs are hidden—only the General tab and Consolidated tab display.

When this option is checked, the company is used for reporting purposes only and is never available for entering transactions; that is, the company never appears on a drop-down list. Refer to Consolidated Reporting for more information.

Allow Balance Forward

This check box defaults as unchecked. Accept the default if you do not want to allow Balance Forward entry. Otherwise, check the box if you do want to allow Balance Forward entry.

Allow Posting

This option defaults as checked. When checked, the company is activated for posting, which allows users to select this company for transactions. Uncheck the box if you do not want this company activated for posting.

Policy Group Required field

This option defaults as unselected. Select a Policy Group from the drop-down box. If a Policy Group is set up on the Company Policy Groups tab for the company, then a Policy Group appears in the field.


Refer to Changing the Policy Group before you consider changing Policy Group.

Lien Waiver Format

Click the Lookup Button to display the Select Lien Waiver Format pop-up and select a format for the Lien Waiver that can be printed when paying a vendor for this company.

This option specifies the Lien Waiver Format at the Company level.

If a vendor is set to have a Lien Waiver created and no Lien Waiver Format is set elsewhere, the format you select is the format the system uses.

If no Lien Waiver Format is specified here or at the Job, then no Lien Waiver is created for the Vendor.

About Lien Waivers


Click to save changes.

See Also

Setup Companies - Simplified Setup

Edit Company Tabs - Simplified Setup