Companies Default Budget Tab - Simplified Setup

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—GL Setup—Companies—Default Budget Tab or
ePO—Setup—Companies—Default Budget Tab

Use the Default Budget tab to set up or edit the default budget version selections for the company. The default is used for financial reporting for the company. Associate one fiscal year with one budget version ID.

Effect of Global Policies

When the global policy Separate eFinancials and ePO Budgets is selected, two Default Budget Versions field sets will appear—one for eFinancials and one ePO. Use the Fields list, below, to complete the appropriate fields. If budgets are not separated, then a single set of fields for each year displays.


Fiscal Year

Enter a fiscal year using the format yyyy.

Budget Version (eFinancials, ePO, or shared: eFinancials and ePO)

Click the Lookup Button to display the Select Budget Version Tab and select a default budget version to use for financial reporting for this company.


Click to save changes.

See Also

Setup Companies - Simplified Setup

Edit Company Tabs - Simplified Setup