Checks Overview

Checks are issued by a business to pay vendors for goods and services.

Check Printing Setup Tasks

The following setup must be completed prior to printing checks:

  1. PropertiesCompanies and Bank Accounts, including their prerequisites such as EntitiesCompanies and calendars, must be set up.


When setting up a bank account, you must select a check format on the Bank Accounts' Check Print tab. You can add a check format or use a default check format.

To add a check format, go to Setup Check Formats. After adding, the new format will become available for selection on the Check Print tab.

Settings for check format are important to consider. The system can output checks in a PDF format and print checks using the printing capabilities of PDF. When signatures will be printed on checks, however, or for more control over the position of the MICR line printed on checks, the check format can be set to output checks in an RTF (MS Word) format. In addition, checks with printed signatures must be printed on a printer configured to print with a signature cartridge installed. Refer below to additional setup required for use of a signature cartridge.

  1. The Check Tab Global Policies and the Check Tab User Policies must also be set up.
  2. At installation of the application, your system administrator must have completed the "Setting Up Check Printing" instructions provided in the Check Printing and Secure Signature Fonts document located on the CD that contains your software.

    Additional instructions for the setup required to print signatures on checks is found in the Check Printing and Secure Signature Font document. This document also contains troubleshooting for check printing problems.

    Please refer questions about these items to your system administrator.

Check Runs

When processing a check run, a check run validation process confirms that all banks in the check run use the same check form. Checks and advices print in a single batch, and sort by bank, and then payment ID. The check run includes all checks and advices for all payments regardless of bank.

See Also

Set Up

Check Print Tab

Setup Check Formats

Check Format Maintenance

Check Tab Global Policies

Check Tab User Policies


Check Runs Grid

Checks Tab

Quick Check Tab


Payment Inquiry Tab


Check Runs Grid


Bank Account Register Tab

Cash Requirements Report Tab

Check Register Tab

Outstanding & Missing Checks Tab

Payment Detail Tab

Effect of Global Policies

Effect of User Policies

Effect of Posting Rules on Checks

Zero Dollar Checks

Return Address on Checks

Vendor Address on Checks

Troubleshooting Check Printing

Printing Checks on Legal Sized Forms

Printing Checks Using Multiple Banks

Printing Quick Checks

Concepts and Processes Introduction