Job Access Restrictions Grid

Make the following menu selections to display this grid:

Job Cost—Setup—Common—Job Access Restrictions

Use this grid to manage user access to User Codes, which control whether a user can access a Job. In other words, Job Access Restrictions allow you to define user access to Jobs, via User Codes, for the selected EntityCompany.

Use this grid to manage the viewing privileges of the user for the Job Cost Change Order Estimate Report.


ClosedGrid Fields


The following fields and buttons appear on the grid.

Add Job Access Restrictions

Click the button to select a user to add restrictions to and then open the Add Job Access Restrictions page.

User Name

The user name. Click a user name to open the Edit Job Access Restrictions page to edit the Job access rights for the user.


Click the Save button to save your selections.


Click the Delete button for the user to delete all User Code Job Access Restrictions set up for the user. The user will then be restored to the default condition, i.e., will have access to all User Codes (and therefore Jobs) for the selected entitycompany.


ClosedTo Grant Access Rights to Jobs via User Codes

  1. From the Job Access Restrictions grid, click Add Job Access Restrictions.
  2. At User Name:

    tart typing a user name into the field and then select a name from the list that appears.

    Or, click the Lookup icon and select a user from the Select User pop-up. Use the Filter button to help locate a user in the Select User grid.

    The Job Access Restrictions page opens.
  1. For each User Code that you want to place restrictions on for this user, click in the field and select one or more User Codes from the list that appears. When you save these selections, then the user can only access Jobs where a Job's User Code selections match all of these selections.
  2. Click Save.

ClosedTo Edit Access Rights to Jobs via User Codes

  1. From the Job Access Restrictions grid, click a user name to select the user whose access you want to edit. The Job Access Restrictions page appears.
  2. For each User Code that you want to add as a restriction for this user, click in the field and select one or more User Codes from the list that appears. After you save, the user can only access Jobs where the Jobs' User Code selections match all selections made for the user.
  3. For each User Code showing in the field that you want to remove for this user, click the x next to the name. This deletes the User Code from the field, and when you save, the User Code is no longer one of the codes that the user is allowed to access.
  4. Click Save.

ClosedTo Delete All Access Rights to Jobs via User Codes

  1. To delete all Job Access Restrictions for a user, from the Job Access Restrictions grid, click the Delete button.
  2. Click Save.

See Also

Job Access Restrictions Overview

Job Access Restrictions Add/Edit

User Codes Overview

Job Cost Introduction


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