Edit: MSA Codes

Make the following menu selections to display this page.

Job Cost—Setup—Job Costing—MSA Codes

Use this menu item to add MSA Codes to the system.

MSA Codes are used for payroll purposes in Job Cost module. Examples of Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) User Codes and Descriptions:

14460 - Boston, MA

26420 - Houston, TX

35620 - New York, NY

Refer to http://www.census.gov/population/metro/ for more information about Metropolitan Statistical Areas.


ClosedEdit: MSA Code

A red dot Required field indicates a required field or selection.

User Code

The read-only User Code, "MSA." This label is hard-coded into the system.


The read-only description of the user code: "MSA Code." This is hard-coded into the system and used as a field label on the Payroll tab.

Code/Description table

You can add MSA User Codes to the selected EntityCompany by completing Code / Descriptions lines here. A new line appears automatically as you complete the fields in a line.

The codes that you add are shown in the Select MSA Code pop-up form when a user clicks on the MSA Code field lookup in the setup Jobs Payroll tab.

You can add as many Code / Description combinations as you need.


Enter the code for a Metropolitan Statistical Area into the field.


Enter a description for the code just entered.

Entering a Code is optional, but if you enter a Code then the Description is required.


Click to delete a Code / Description combination.


Click to save changes. The Payroll tab refreshes to show the changes.


ClosedTo Edit MSA Codes

  1. Select Job Cost—Setup—Job Costing—MSA Codes. The Edit MSA Code page opens.
  2. To add the default MSA Code to an Entitya Company, complete the Code field.
  3. To set the label for the default MSA Code, complete the Description field.
  4. Repeat the steps above to add or edit Codes. When done, click Save. Changes save and the submenu refreshes to show changes.

See Also

User Codes - Associated Pages

Jobs Grid

Jobs Tabs