Setup Global Policies Tabs

Make the following menu selections to display the global policies tabs:

eFinancials (or ePO)—Setup—Global Setup—Policies—Global Policies

Use these tabs to set up and manage global policies. The policies you set up here apply to the system and all users. For more information about the effects of global policies throughout the system, refer to Global Policies Overview.

Click the Global Policies menu item and the following tabs appear:

Common Tab

Batch Tab

PO Tab

Invoice Tab

Check Tab

Vendor Tab

Budget Tab

AR Tab

Partnership Accounting Tab

Other Tab

ClosedTo Add or Edit Global Policies

  1. Use the Common Tab, Batch Tab, PO Tab, Invoice Tab, Check Tab, Vendor Tab, Budget Tab, Partnership Accounting Tab, and Other Tab field lists to complete the tabs.
  2. Click Save.

See Also

Global Policies Overview