Global Policies Setup - Common Tab

Make the following selections to display this tab:

eFinancials (or ePO)—Setup—Global Setup—Policies—Global Policies—Common tab

This is the initial tab that displays when you select the global policies menu item. Administrators and users with rights can alter the defaults on these tabs; however, use caution because the results can have far-reaching effects in the way the system handles your financials and setup.


Account mask

This field affects primarily eFinancials; however, other systems that use account numbers must abide by the mask that is set up in this field. The field defaults as blank.

Enter an account number format using the following options:

# numeric-only entry

? alpha-only entry

! either numeric or alpha entry

* allow entry of any type of character and/or numbers

For example:

#### ### ### for a numeric-only entry of a 10-digit account number.

#### ### ??? for an alpha/numeric entry of a 10-digit account number.

If you are using both accounts payable and general ledger, do not include dashes when defining the format.

Simplified Company Setup

Select this global policy if you want to use a simplified method for maintaining Companies, Entities, and Properties as one. Otherwise, leave this option unchecked. Refer to Effect of Policies for details on this important setup option.

When this option is selected and saved, the system performs a validation of the existing setup to ensure that there is a one-to-one relationship between Companies, Entities, and Properties, which is required for Simplified Company Setup (but not for Standard Setup). If the validation fails, a warning message appears and Simplified Company Setup is not enabled. After changes are made to the setup, then the option can be selected again and Simplified Company Setup will be enabled as long as validation is successful.

Maintain Expense Codes with GL Chart of Accounts

Select this global policy if you want to ensure expense codes are updated when GL accounts are added or modified through GL Account Maintenance, Account Import, Company SetupProperty Setup, GL Accounts Copy, GL Account Merge, Expense Code Merge, and Posting Rules.


If you select this policy and change an existing GL account, the default expense code on the Vendor or Customer must be changed manually.

Integrate ePO with an external accounting package

This field affects purchase orders. Your selection in this field determines whether they are entered in eFinancials or ePO.

If your business uses an external accounting package, select this check box. eFinancials users who are using ePO as a standalone application should select this option.

When this option is selected, the system displays additional fields (Transfer to AP format and Transfer unapproved vendor data on the Other Tab) and also displays the Transfer Status field on the Invoices screen.

Transfer to AP format

Select a format from the drop-down list. The Transfer to AP process is run from ePO only, although you can select the format to be used from either eFinancials or ePO.

The following formats are possible:


The BCL format is the only format that allows you to use the sort option. The option enables you to sort the transfer file and report by vendor ID or name. If you plan to use the BCL format, check the BCL import format, which is the same format that is used for this export. The system applies the same field length limits to this export as shown in the import file format. For example, you can enter ten characters for a purchase order number; however the BCL format exports only eight characters. Therefore, if you select this format, limit you purchase order numbers to eight characters.  


The XML format cannot be sorted because this file format places detail lines within the header section of the file.

CYMA Version 10 (.csv)

This format is for use with ePO only. This ASCII file format creates a comma-separated (.csv) record.

Timberline and Timberline B (.csv)

These are ASCII file formats that creates a comma-separated (.csv) record.

For more information on these file formats, refer to AP Transactions Import (eFinancials) or Transfer to AP (ePO) or the eFinancials Import Export Formats document on the CD that came with your software.

Transfer unapproved vendor data

Select this option when you want the system to create and transfer all invoices from ePO to your external accounting package regardless of the approval status of vendors. When you select this option, all invoices created by the ePO transfer process are available for selection in the accounts payable of your external accounting package.

Default value for "Include unapproved transactions" on reports and inquiries

Select this option to set the default value for the Include unapproved transactions check box to "selected" (checked) for all eFinancials and ePO reports and inquiries that include the prompt. Conversely, uncheck the check box to set the default value to "unselected" (unchecked). The default is unchecked.

Default to Alternate Report

Select this option to set the default value for the Alternate Report  check box to "selected" for the eFinancials and ePO reports that include the prompt. Conversely, uncheck the check box to set the default value to "selected" for Standard Report. The default is unchecked.


Click to stop without saving changes.


Click to save changes.

See Also

Effect of Common Policies

Global Policies Introduction

Setup Questions Batches