Global Policies Setup - Budget Tab

Make the following menu selections to display the global policies tabs:

eFinancials (or ePO)—Setup—Global Setup—Policies—Global Policies—Budget tab

Use this tab to set up and manage budget-related global policies, including setting up separate budgets for eFinancials and ePO.


Prior to setting up budget policies, you must have already set up budget data for your general ledger. Refer to the Budgets Tab for more information.


Pending POs reduce the remaining budget

This option defaults as checked. Accept this default if you want the amount of any pending purchase orders subtracted from the remaining budget.

Remove the checkmark if you do not want the amount of any pending purchase orders subtracted from the remaining budget.

Open POs reduce the remaining budget

This option defaults as checked. Accept this default if you want the amount of any open purchase orders subtracted from the remaining budget.

Remove the checkmark if you do not want the amount of any open purchase orders subtracted from the remaining budget.

Journal Entries affect the budget

This option defaults to unchecked. Check this policy to allow for Journal Entries to affect Budgets in both ePO and eFinancials. With the policy checked:

Budget Graphs display the Journal Entry data.

The Budget Control Ledger Report includes the Journal Entry data.

The Check Budget snap-in includes the JE amounts. In addition, regardless of the policy setting, the snap-in displays the total Annual Budget.

Separate eFinancials/ePO Budgets

The application allows a single budget for eFinancials and ePO combined, or separate budgets.

This option defaults as unchecked. Accept this default if you want a single, combined budget for eFinancials and ePO.

Remove the check mark to use separate budgets for eFinancials and ePO. New options will appear.



If you select separate budgets, new options will appear with some default selections checked. You may change these defaults, however you must include Web POs/Invoices in budget calculations for eFinancials, ePO, or both.

eFinancials Budget Calculations

Select Include ePO POs/Invoices to include ePO purchase orders and invoices in the eFinancials budget calculations. (Default: checked.)

Select Include Web POs/Invoices to include imported purchase orders and invoices in the eFinancials budget calculations. (Default: checked.)

ePO Budget Calculations

Select Include eFin POs/Invoices to include eFinancials purchase orders and invoices in the ePO budget calculations. (Default: unchecked.)

Select Include Web POs/Invoices to include imported purchase orders and invoices in the ePO budget calculations. (Default: checked.)


Click to stop without saving changes.


Click to save changes.

See Also

Effect of Budget Policies

 Budgets Overview

Purchase Order Overview

Global Policies Introduction

Setup Questions Budget