Global Policies Setup - Other Tab

Make the following menu selections to display the global policies tabs:

eFinancials (or ePO)—Setup—Global Setup—Policies—Global Policies—Other tab

Use this tab to set up and manage global policies that affect journal entry and account numbers.


Next JE #

This field affects eFinancials. The field defaults to JE00001.

Accept this default or enter another starting journal entry number. When the next journal entry is created, the system looks at this field, duplicates the format, and assigns the next sequential number.

Remember to end the format with a number so that the system is able to increment to the next number.

Allow Incomplete Journal Entries

Select this global policy if you want to allow incomplete journal entries in the system. This policy works in conjunction with user/role permission settings. Select one of the following import options to control how an imported journal entry will be treated when brought into the system:

Validate Property/Building/Unit number vs. eSite at time of entry

Select this option to validate the unit against eSite. Validation is done using the eSite Web Service, which must be configured to form a connection between eFinancials and eSite (Setup—Global Setup—Web Service Setup). During all Journal Entry and Invoice Entry options when a property/building/unit is specified and the policy is turned on, then the unit is validated against eSite and a message returned if it does not exist.

PO/AP Default Accounting Date

Select an option to specify whether the Default Accounting Date is the Transaction Date or the Login Date. This applies in eFinancials and ePO when adding or editing in Invoice Entry, Check Entry, PO Entry, and Check Runs.

With Login Date selected:

With Transaction Date selected:


Refer to Effect of Global Policies - Other Tab for more information about how the policies PO/AP Default Accounting Date and Automatically update line item dates to the Default Accounting Date when PO/Invoice dates are changed affect whether or not the system will automatically update line item dates to the Default Accounting Date.

Automatically update line item dates to the Default Accounting Date when PO/Invoice dates are changed

Select an option to specify if the system automatically updates line item dates to the Default Accounting Date when purchase order or invoice dates are changed, or alternatively, if the user will be prompted to allow the updates. Options include: Yes, No, Prompt. This applies when adding or editing in Invoice Entry, Check Entry, Check Runs and PO Entry.

Store Saved Documents in folders

Select to store saved Documents in folders.

Root Document Path

When you select the option to store saved documents in folders, this field appears. Enter the path to the folder where you want to store the documents.

Use Inventory

Click to enable the use of the Inventory Module. This check box appears only when the system detects is an Inventory license with at least one user.


Click to stop without saving changes.


Click to save changes.

See Also

Effect of Other Policies

Accounts Overview

AP Transactions Import

Transfer to AP

Global Policies Introduction

Setup Questions Other