GL Transactions Import Tab

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Data Transfer—GL Transactions Import

Use this tab to import general ledger transaction data, including intercompany transactions, which create general ledger transactions (batches and journal entries) within eFinancials.


GL transactions cannot be imported for accounts that are tracked by unit (i.e., the Track Unit? selection is Required on the GL Account Maintenance Tab). When applicable, the GL Transactions Import Exception report lists any accounts that could not be imported for this reason.


Prior to import, an XML or ASCII file must be stored on your system. For a successful import, the file you created in another software application should match the format used in this software. If you add batches manually, confirm that you have a batch set up and available for selection.

ClosedTo Import Transaction Data

  1. Click Current Settings to display the Quick Popup and select a date, batch, and date, batch, and companydate, batch, property and entity for the import. Selections you make in the Quick Popup are used as default entries for importing.
  2. Complete Step 1 to select a file.
  3. Complete Step 2 to decide whether to create intercompany transactions and/or a new batch.

Completing Step 1

  1. Click Browse. The operating system navigation window displays.
  2. Navigate to and select either of the following file types: GL.XML or GL.ASCII.
  3. Click Load Import File. The system uploads the file to the server and updates the tab for step 2.

Completing Step 2

  1. Determine whether intercompany transactions need to be created.
  2. At Create Intercompany Transactions, select this option if the imported transactions include intercompany transactions.
  3. Determine whether a new batch needs to be created. Note that selections made on the Batch Tab of global policies affect the batch-related fields that display. Depending on the selections all or none of the fields detailed in the following steps can display. If none of the fields are displaying, the transactions are added to the currently selected batch. Continue reading at step 9.
  4. At Create new batch, select this option if you want to create a new batch for the import transactions. Additional fields display. If you do not select this option or if this option is not available for selection, the transactions are added to the currently selected batch.
  5. At Auto approve batch, select this option if you want to automatically approve the batch and complete the remainder of the fields on the tab. Otherwise, continue reading at step 9.

    NOTE that if your system is set to allow incomplete journal entries and to Import Unbalanced JEs or JEs with Errors as Incomplete JEs, this label will read Auto approve batch if complete JEs. The Create Intercompany Transactions and Create new batch check boxes will no longer show if global policy is set to Always Import as Incomplete JEs.

  6. At Approved Date, enter a date using the format mm/dd/yyyy. Or use the Calendar icon to select a date.
  7. At Approved By, enter the approver's name.
  8. At Approval Code, enter the code.
  9. Click Import Now. A success message displays when the import is finished. The message lists the ID of the newly created batch if create new batch option was selected.
  10. Click OK.

See Also

Data Transfer File Formats Introduction

GL Transactions Import File Format CSV

GL Transactions Import File Format SDF

GL Transactions XML File Format

GL Transactions XML File Format - Job Cost

GL Transactions Import Errors

GL Intercompany Overview