GL Intercompany Transactions Overview

General ledger intercompany transactions involve the transfer of data  from the general ledger accounts of one EntityCompany to the general ledger accounts of another EntityCompany. Some examples of intercompany transactions can be:

  1. Affiliated EntitiesCompanies buy and sell to and from each other.
  2. An EntityA Company receives cash for the accounts receivable of another EntityCompany.
  3. An EntityA Company pays the debt of another EntityCompany.
  4. The corporate office charges subsidiary companies and divisions for services, such as management fees.


A company that is a customer of both Company A and Company B mails a check for $150,000 to Company A. The check references the following two invoices: one from Company A for $100,000; one from Company B for $50,000.

Company A would record the following journal entry:

Cash ...................................................$150,000

Accounts Receivable ................................................$100,000

Due to Company B .....................................................$50,000
(an accounts payable account)

Company B would record the following journal entry:

Due from Company A .............................$50,000
(an accounts receivable account)

Accounts Receivable...................................................$50,000

Company A owes Company B $50,000.

To set up the intercompany relationship for this example, use the GL Intercompany Tab and select Company A as a source EntityCompany and select the Due To Company B account, and then select Company B as a destination EntityCompany and select Due From Company A account. This setup creates an association between the two EntitiesCompanies.

When entering the journal entry to record the intercompany cash receipt, the entry is unbalanced by EntityCompany. Journal entries must balance by EntityCompany. When you select the Create IC Trans button for each journal entry, the system checks the GL Intercompany setup to see if an intercompany relationship exists. When the system finds the source/destination relationship, it uses the setup information to create offsetting transactions. For each journal entry, the additional transactions display at the end of the list of transactions on the journal entry tab. The journal entry is balanced by EntityCompany and can be saved and approved.

ClosedSetup Details

Setting up the intercompany relationships is optional. If you do not want to use the intercompany option, do not set up. Relationships can be set up at any time because they do not affect the setup process.


General ledger accounts must already be set up and available for selection. Refer to Accounts Overview for more information.

EntitiesCompanies must already be set up and available for selection. Refer to Entities OverviewCompanies Overview for more information.

Setup Questions

Setup Questions

See Also

Transaction Codes Overview

GL Intercompany Tab Setup

GL Intercompany List Tab

General Ledger Overview

Setup Sequence

Concepts and Processes Introduction