GL Transactions Import Errors

The system provides the following error messages and reports to help successfully import the GL Transactions.

ClosedImport Error Message

Prior to importing an XML file, the system examines the file to confirm that the file is well formed. A well-formed file has no missing characters or extra characters. When the system finds missing or extra characters, it displays a detailed error message. To correct the problem, you need to fix the problem in the XML file, and attempt the import again.

ClosedPre-Import Errors

Prior to importing, the system checks to see if the import will cause the creation of a duplicate JE number. When this event occurs, an exception report prints to inform the user of the issue and to offer information on how to correct the problem.

Prior to importing intercompany transactions, the system verifies that the source EntitiesCompanies have been set up on GL Intercompany Tab. If the system finds no setup, an exception report prints to inform the user of the issue and to offer information on how to correct the problem.

ClosedGL Transactions Import Exception Report

If the import is not successful, a report detailing errors displays in a PDF format and no records are imported. Use the print capabilities of PDF to print the report. The report lists the name of the field in the import file that is in error, the value of the field, and the action required to correct the problem. The report can include any of the following errors, depending on the report:


GL transactions cannot be imported for accounts for which the totals are tracked by unit (the Track Unit check box is selected on the Account Maintenance Tab). When applicable, the GL Transactions Import Exception report lists any accounts which could not be imported for this reason.

See Also

GL Transactions Import Tab

Account Import Tab

ADP Import Transactions Tab

AP Transactions Import Tab

GL Budgets Import Tab

Deposit Refund Import Tab

Vendor Import Tab

Import and Export Overview