Data Transfer Overview

Menu selections on the Data Transfer menu allow you to import and export data. You can import and export account and vendor data. You can import general ledger and accounts payable transactions, deposit refund transactions, and budget data.


Depending on the applications purchased by your company, purchase order-related tabs can display from either eFinancials or ePO menus.

File Format Types

With the exception of the AP Transaction Import files, import files can be named anything; however, files used for import must be in the correct format. The following three basic file formats can be imported (not all imports support all file types).

SDF: System Data Format

An SDF file is an ASCII text file in which records have a fixed length and end with a carriage return and line feed. Fields are not delimited.

CSV: Comma Separated Values

A CSV file is an ASCII text file in which each record ends with a carriage return and line feed. The field separator is a comma. Because character data can include commas, character fields are delimited additionally with double quotation marks. Field widths are maximums. Commas must be added for all fields in the layout even if the field is not required.

XML: Extensible Markup Language

An XML file is an ASCII text file in which each record is delimited with a set of tags. XML field specs are provided as schemas files that can be used to validate the file.

File Formats

The following table shows the eFinancials applications that enable you to import and export data, and identifies the required file formats for each.

Data Transfer Application File Formats

Account Import

Account Import File Format

Account Export

Accounts.BCL File Format

eFinancials Fixed Length File Format

Budgets.BCL File Format

Actuals.BCL File Format

ADP Transactions Import

ADP Transactions Import File Format

AP Transactions Import


Batch.APS File Format

Invoice.BCL File Format

Transfer to AP (ePO only)

CYMA File Format

Timberline File Format

Timberline B File Format

Invoice Export XML File Format

Invoice.BCL File Format

Budget Import

Budgets.BCL File Format

Deposit Refund Import

Refund.APS File Format

Direct Deposit Vendor Export

AP Direct Deposit Vendor Export File Format

Export to Avid Pay

Export to Avid Pay File Format

GL Transactions Import

GL Transactions Import CSV File Format

GL Transactions Import SDF File Format

GL Transactions XML File Format

GL Transactions XML File Format - Job Cost

Invoice Export

Invoice Export XML File Format

Invoice.BCL File Format

Upload Data

Batch.APS File Format Version 3       

Vendor Import

Vendor Import/Export File Format

Vendor Export

Vendor Import/Export File Format

See Also

Account Numbers


Date of Record

Import Error Message

Exception Report