Make the following menu selections to display this grid:
eFinancials—Accounts Receivable—Inquiry
Use this grid to inquire about Accounts Receivable Billings. The grid shows all open Billings for the selected propertycompany.
NOTES for when AR Retainage is Used
The following fields appear in the grid:
Grid Header
Customer ID
Click the Lookup icon to display
a pop-up and then select a Customer ID to inquire on. The grid updates
based on your selection
Entries on the pop-up are established in Customer Setup.
Include Fully Paid check box
Select to include fully paid billings in the grid. The grid updates based on your selection.
Include All PropertiesCompanies check box
Select to include billings for all propertiescompanies that the user has access to based on their permissions.
All open billings appear in the grid initially based
on your currently selected propertycompany.
Click a column title to sort the list.
Filter Buttons
in column headers allow you to change what appears in
the grid.
Customer ID
The Customer ID for the billing.
Click a Customer ID link to go to Setup Customers to view or edit information for the customer.
View and edit permissions for customers must be granted in the System module for the user to view or edit open customer records.
The Customer name.
Billing ID
The billing identification number.
Click a billing ID link to go to Billings to view or edit information for the billing.
View and edit permissions for billings must be granted in the System module for the user to view and edit open billing records.
The Job number associated with the billing.
When a billing is for a single Job, click a Job link to go to Jobs Setup to view information for the Job. Drill-down is not available when a billing is for multiple jobs.
View and edit permissions for Jobs must be granted in the System module for the user to view and edit open Jobs.
NOTE that this option appears only when using Track Jobs.
Batch ID
The batch identification number.
Click a Batch ID link to go to Batch Detail Inquiry to view information for the batch.
View and edit permissions for batches must be granted in the System module for the user to view and edit open batches.
Billing Date
The billing date for the billing.
Due Date
The due date for the billing.
The status of the billing.
The description of the billing.
Gross Amount
The gross amount of the billing.
Net Amount
The net amount, which is the Gross Amount minus any retainage on the original billing, as well as any Retainage Adjustments made to that billing. The amount indicates whether the global policy on the AR Tab is set to Use AR Retainage.
Receipts + Disc
The sum of Receipts plus Discounts for the billing.
Click a link in this column to drill down view a list of receipts and discounts for the billing. Then, users with permissions can drill into the specific receipts. Refer to the Fields List and Procedures for more information.
NOTE that if the amount in this column is 0.00 then there is no link.
Write Offs
The amount for Write Offs for the billing.
Click a link in this column to drill down to view a list of write offs for the billing. Then, users with permissions can drill into the specific write offs. Refer to the Fields List and Procedures for more information.
NOTE that if the amount in this column is 0.00 then there is no link.
The current balance for the billing, which does not include retainage.
One of the following icons appears in this column:
No documents are currently
stored for the invoice. Click the icon to upload documents for the invoice.
At least one document
is currently stored for the invoice. Rest your mouse pointer on the icon
to see the number of documents stored. Click the icon to view, add, or
delete documents.
For more information, refer to the Documents Tab instructions.
Grid Footer
Totals appear for the items on the page for these columns: Amount, Receipts + Discounts, Write Offs, and Balance.
Write Off ID
Click the link to open Write Offs to view or edit information for the write off.
View and edit permissions for Write Offs must be granted in the System module for the user to view and edit open write off records.
The date of the write off.
Customer ID
The customer identification for the write off.
The status of the write off.
The description of the write off.
The amount of the write off.
Total (below grid)
The total amount of write offs in the grid.
Receipt ID
Click the link to open Receipts to view or edit information for the receipt.
View and edit permissions for Receipts must be granted in the System module for the user to view and edit open receipt records.
The date of the receipt.
Customer ID
The customer identification for the receipt.
The status of the receipt.
Bank Account ID
The bank account identification associated with the receipt.
The description of the receipt.
The amount of the receipt.
Total (below grid)
The total amount of receipts in the grid.
Refer to the Fields list for additional information.
NOTE that users must have view / edit permissions for the detail pages in the System module to view / edit detail pages.
See Also
Accounts Receivable Introduction
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