
Make the following menu selections to display this grid:

eFinancials—Accounts Receivable—Transactions—Receipt Entry

Use this grid to manage Receipts against Billings.  


When using Cash Accounting:

Fields Lists

A red dot indicates a required field or selection.

ClosedReceipts Grid Fields


Add Receipt button

Use this button to add a Receipt.


The customer identification. Use the lookup to select a Customer. This is a required field.

The grid shows Receipts only when the user selects a Customer.

Bank Account

The bank account, which initially defaults to the default Accounts Receivable bank. Use the lookup to select a Bank Account.

Remove the default Bank Account from the field to see Receipts from other banks.

Include Approved Receipts

Select this option if you want to see Receipts in the grid that contain transactions that have been approved.



Clicking on a column label allows you to sort the grid by that column.

Filter Buttons Filter button in column headers allow you to change what appears in the grid.

Grid pagination controls at the bottom of the grid can help you to locate a Receipt.

Receipt ID

The Receipt identification that appears on lists and in reports.

If you do not have permission to edit Receipts, this number is a display-only label. If you have permission to edit Receipts, this number is a link that you can select to display tabs.


The date of the Receipt that appears on lists and in reports.


The status of the Receipt that appears on lists and in reports.


The total amount for the Receipt.


The description of the Receipt that appears on lists and in reports.


One of the following icons appears in this column:

No documents are currently stored for the invoice. Click the icon to upload documents for the invoice.

At least one document is currently stored for the invoice. Rest your mouse pointer on the icon to see the number of documents stored. Click the icon to view, add, or delete documents.

For more information, refer to the Documents Tab instructions.


 Use the Void icon to void a Receipt. Refer to void instructions later in this topic.

The Void icon appears only when the Receipt is in an approved batch.


Use the Delete icon to delete a Receipt. Refer to delete instructions later in this topic.

The Delete icon appears only when the Receipt is in an unapproved batch.


Company | BatchEntity | Property | Batch (Footer Links)

Make changes using the Footer Links to use the appropriate combination of Company and Batch. The Receipts associated with that batch display in the grid.

Make changes using the Footer Links to select the appropriate combination of Entity, Property, and Batch. The Receipts associated with that batch display in the grid.

ClosedReceipt Form - General Information Fields

Receipt ID

The system-generated Receipt identification. This field only displays after saving a Receipt. It number appears on lists and in reports.

Customer ID

The customer identification. Defaults from Receipts, if entered.

Click the Lookup icon and select a customer from the Select Customer pop-up. The selected customer name appears next to the field.

Bank Account ID

The bank account ID. Defaults from Receipts, if entered.

Click the lookup to select a bank account ID from the Select Bank Accounts pop-up. The selected bank account name appears next to the field.


The Job associated with the Receipt. Click the lookup to select a Job from the Select Job pop-up

Select a Job to filter the billings to only show billings that contain a line item pointing to that Job. The Job field is restricted to Jobs that exist within the current EntityCompany. When you complete the Job field, and you submit a Receipt that has unapplied cash remaining, then the unapplied cash is restricted to that Job.

Receipt Date

Defaults to the current system date. Enter the date for the transaction using  the electronic calendar to select a date.

This date is used to calculate discounts. When the Receipt date changes, discounts are recalculated and the discount amounts and extended amounts may be updated.

Accounting Date

Defaults to the current system date. Enter the accounting date for the transaction using the electronic calendar to select a date.  


A user-entered description for the Receipt that appears on lists and in reports (up to 40 characters).

Reference/Receipt #

Enter the Customer's check number as a reference for the Receipt (up to 20 characters). This information appears on the Customer History tab in the Last Receipt # field.


The Receipt amount. When you change the amount, the Remaining Amount field changes. See Allocate button description.

Allocate button

Click the button and the system allocates the value in the Amount field from top down for all billings in the grid. The Receipt Amount in the grid changes.

NOTE that there is an Allocate button in the grid that works differently. Refer to Grid Fields, below, for details.

Total Amount Entered

The system-calculated sum of the values in the billing row Receipt amount fields.

Remaining Amount to Enter

The difference between the Amount field and the Amount Entered field. If the Remaining Amount field is not zero, the Total Amount Entered field is shown in red unless the Add Remaining to Unapplied Cash check box is selected.

Add Remaining to Unapplied Cash

Select the check box to add the value in the Remaining Amount to Enter field to Unapplied Cash.

Force Discount

When this box is checked, any possible discount is applied to the amounts. This option disregards the Deposit Date and Discount Due Date fields.

ClosedReceipt Form - Grid Fields

About Billing Grid Fields

Each row in the grid constitutes a billing. There are multiple ways to assign receipt amounts to billings. You can enter amount on just the billing level, or you can expand the billing to enter amounts on the billing details.

Restrictions on entering amounts in main grid:

ClosedAbout the Allocate Button

Refer to field descriptions for the Allocate button as well.

If you click the Allocate button on the top of the form, the system allocates that amount from top down for all billings in the grid.

If you click the Allocate button on the billing row, and the amount is zero, the amount changes to the extended amount, and the sub grid becomes populated from top down with that amount.

If you click the Allocate button on a billing row where the amount is non-zero, that amount will be used to allocate instead of the extended amount.


Billing ID

The billing identification that appears on lists and in reports.


The billing due date.

Discount Due

The date that the billing must be paid in order to receive a discount.


The transaction date of the billing.

Billing Amount

The amount of the billing.


The amount of tax due on the billing.


The system-calculated amount remaining on the billing.


The amount of any discount applicable to the billing. Changing the Receipt Date in the header may cause the discount amount to be updated.

Extended Amount

The system-calculated extended amount. Changing the Receipt Date in the header may cause the Extended Amount to be updated.

Receipt Amount

The receipt amount for the billing. Enter the amount to be allocated using the Allocate button.

Allocate button

If you click the Allocate button on the billing row, and the amount is zero, the amount changes to the extended amount, and the sub grid becomes populated from top down with that amount.

If you click the Allocate button on a billing row where the amount is non-zero, that amount will be used to allocate instead of the extended amount.

ClosedReceipt Form - Sub Grid Fields

Click the arrow for a row to see the detail lines for the billing. When a billing row has been expanded to show the sub grid, the amounts in the sub grid must add up to the amount on the billing row.

Seq No

System-generated sequential number that identifies a transaction. You cannot edit this field.


The  read-only billing description.

Billing Amount

The read-only billing amount.


The read-only tax amount for the billing.


The system calculated amount remaining to be paid for the billing.


The system calculated discount amount associated with the billing, if any.

Extended Amount

The system calculated extended amount for the billing.

Receipt Amount

The amount of the receipt to be allocated. The user enters this amount.


The propertycompany associated with the billing.

Job Information

The job identification associated with the billing appears if the Track Jobs option is being used.


ClosedTo Add a Receipt

  1. eFinancials—Accounts Receivable—Transactions—Receipts Entry.
  2. In the title bar at the top of the page, verify that the date is correct. If not, change it to date you want to use.
  3. Use the Footer Links to select a Company and Batchan Entity, Property and Batch for the Receipt. Selections you make become the defaults for adding Receipts.
  4. Click Add Receipt.

    Or, if you have not selected batch, the Select Batch Tab appears. Use the tab to select or add a batch.
  5. Use the field lists to complete the receipt form.
  6. Click Save.

ClosedTo Edit a Receipt

  1. eFinancials—Accounts Receivable—Transactions—Receipts Entry.
  2. In the title bar at the top of the page, verify that the date is correct. If not, change it to Date you want to use.
  3. Use the Footer Links to select a Company and Batchan Entity, Property and Batch for the Receipt. Selections you make become the defaults for adding Receipts.
  4. From the Bank Account drop-down list, select a bank account. The receipts associated with that bank account display in the grid.
  5. Click the Receipt ID for the receipt you want to edit.
  6. Use the field lists to edit the form.
  7. Click Save.


ClosedTo Void a Receipt


An error message will appear if the accounting void date is earlier than the accounting receipt date.

  1. eFinancials—Accounts Receivable—Transactions—Receipts Entry.
  2. In the title bar at the top of the page, verify that the date is correct. If not, change it to Date you want to use.
  3. Use the Footer Links to select a Company and Batchan Entity, Property and Batch for the Receipt. Selections you make become the defaults for adding Receipts.
  4. From the Bank Account drop-down list, select a bank account. The receipts associated with that bank account display in the grid.
  5. Click the Void iconfor the receipt you want to void. The receipt detail appears.
  6. Use the electronic calendar to enter the Void Accounting Date. All other fields are disabled.
  7. Click Confirm Void. The receipt entry is voided.

ClosedTo Delete a Receipt


An error message will appear if the accounting delete date is earlier than the accounting receipt date.

  1. eFinancials—Accounts Receivable—Transactions—Receipts Entry.
  2. In the title bar at the top of the page, verify that the date is correct. If not, change it to Date you want to use.
  3. Use the Footer Links to select a Company and Batch an Entity, Property and Batch for the Receipt. Selections you make become the defaults for adding Receipts.
  4. From the Bank Account drop-down list, select a bank account. The receipts associated with that bank account display in the grid.
  5. Click the Delete icon for the receipt you want to delete. A confirmation message displays.
  6. Click OK. The receipt entry is deleted.

ClosedTo Print a Receipt

Generate and print a list of receipts using the AR Activity report.

Additional Information

ClosedEffect of Permissions

Permissions must be set in the System module to access all Receipt activities.

Permissions for Receipts

System module—Security—Users—eFinancials—Accounts Receivable—Transactions—Receipt Entry

See Also

Select Batch Tab

Cancel Button