Make the following menu selections to display this grid:
eFinancials—Accounts Receivable—Transactions—Write Offs
Use this grid to manage Write Offs against Billings.
Fields Lists
A red dot indicates a required field or
Add Write Off button
Use this button to add a Write Off.
The customer identification. Use the lookup to select a Customer. This is a required field.
The grid shows Write Offs only after a Customer is selected.
Include Approved Write Offs
Select this option if you want to see Write Offs in the grid that contain transactions that have been approved.
Clicking on a column label allows you to sort the grid by that column.
Filter Buttons
in column headers allow you to change what appears in
the grid.
Grid pagination controls at the bottom of the grid can help you to locate a Write Off.
Write Off ID
The Write Off identification that appears on lists and in reports.
If you do not have permission to edit Write Offs, this number is a display-only label. If you have permission to edit Write Offs, this number is a link that you can select to display the Write Off Edit form for that Write Off.
The Write Off date that appears on lists and in reports.
The status of the Write Off that appears on lists and in reports.
The total amount for the Write Off.
The Write Off description that appears on lists and in reports.
One of the following icons appears in this column:
No documents are currently
stored for the invoice. Click the icon to upload documents for the invoice.
At least one document
is currently stored for the invoice. Rest your mouse pointer on the icon
to see the number of documents stored. Click the icon to view, add, or
delete documents.
For more information, refer to the Documents Tab instructions.
Use the Delete icon to delete a
Write Off. Refer to delete instructions later in this topic.
The Delete icon appears only if the Write Off is in an unapproved batch.
| Batch
Make changes using the Footer Links to use the appropriate combination of Company and Batch. The Write Offs associated with that batch appear in the grid.
Make changes using the Footer Links to select the appropriate combination of Entity, Property, and Batch. The Write Offs associated with that batch appear in the grid.
Click the Write Offs button or click a Write Off ID in the grid to open this form.
About Billing Grid Fields
Each row in the grid constitutes a billing. There are multiple ways to assign write off amounts to billings. You can enter amount on just the billing level, or you can expand the billing to enter amounts on the billing details.
Restrictions on entering amounts in main grid:
When a billing row has been expanded to show the sub grid, the amounts in the sub grid must add up to the amount on the billing row.
General Information section
Receipt ID
The system-generated receipt identification. This field only displays after saving a Write Off. It appears on lists and in reports.
Customer ID
The customer identification. Defaults from Write Offs grid, if entered.
Click the Lookup
icon and select a customer from the Select Customer pop-up.
The selected customer name appears next to the field.
The Job associated with the Write Off. Click the
lookup to select a Job from the Select Job pop-up
Write Off Account
The expense code associated with the Write Off.
Click the lookup to select an Expense Code from the Select
Expense Code pop-up.
Write Off Date
Defaults to the current system date. Enter the date for the transaction using the format mm/dd/yyyy. Or use the electronic calendar icon to select a date.
Accounting Date
Defaults to the current system date. Enter the accounting date for the transaction using the format mm/dd/yyyy. Or use the electronic calendar to select a date.
A user-entered description for the Write Off that appears on lists and in reports (up to 40 characters).
Reference/Receipt #
Enter the Customer's Receipt number as a reference for the Write Off (up to 20 characters). This information appears on the Customer History tab in the Last Receipt # field.
The Write Off amount. This information appears on the Customer History tab in the Last Receipt # field.
Total Amount Entered
The system-calculated sum of the values in the billing row Write Off amount fields.
Note that the Total Amount Entered field is protected. It only updates based on what is entered into the Write Off Amount field.
Select All button
Click the button to write off all billings in the grid.
Click the button a second time to undo writing off all billings in the grid.
Main Grid Fields
A list of billings that can be written off appears in the main grid based on the selected Customer and Job, if using Track Jobs.
arrow button
Click the arrow button for a billing
to show a drop-down sub grid that shows details for the billing.
NOTE that the fields in the sub grid are documented in another section, below.
Billing ID
The billing identification that appears on lists and in reports.
The billing due date.
The transaction date of the billing.
Billing Amount
The amount of the billing.
The amount of tax due on the billing.
The system-calculated amount remaining on the billing.
Write Off Amount / Allocate button
The amount for the billing that is to be written off. Enter the amount to be allocated and then press the tab key on your keyboard before using the Allocate button.
The value in Total Amount Entered is changed to the value entered in this field.
Note that the Total Amount Entered field is protected. It only updates from the Write Off Amount field.
Sub Grid
Click the arrow for a row to see the
detail lines for the billing. When a billing row has been expanded to
show the sub grid, the amounts in the sub grid must add up to the amount
on the billing row.
Seq No
System-generated sequential number that identifies a transaction. You cannot edit this field.
The read-only billing description.
Billing Amount
The read-only billing amount.
The read-only tax amount for the billing.
The system calculated amount remaining to be paid for the billing.
Write Off Amount
The amount of the billing to be allocated. The user enters this amount.
The PropertyCompany associated with the billing.
Job Information
The Job identification associated with the billing appears if the Track Jobs option is being used.
Use the Add/Edit field list to help complete the Write Off form.
Method 1 - Write Off All Billings in the Grid
Use this method to write off all billings in the grid.
Method 2 - Allocate Amount Equally - Main Grid
In this method you simply enter an amount in the main grid on the billing level only.
NOTE: Use Method 3 when you want to enter different amounts for individual billing lines.
Method 3 - Enter Different Amounts for Billing Lines - Sub Grid
Use this method to enter different amounts for individual billing lines.
Use the Add/Edit field list to help complete the Write Off form.
Additional Information
Permissions must be set in the System module to access all Write Off activities.
Permissions for Write Offs
System module—Security—Users—eFinancials—Accounts Receivable—Write Offs
Write Offs setup has separate permissions for Add, Edit, and Delete. View is granted with the top level permission, Write Offs.
Refer to global policies AR Tab to establish the Next Write Off Number.
See Also
Accounts Receivable Introduction
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