Transfer to AP

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

ePO—End of Period—Transfer to AP

Use this tab to create a transfer file and report. The file and report contain invoices created from purchase orders you added in ePO. The transfer file can be sent to an email address and then imported into an accounts payable system for processing. The transfer file format can be CYMA Version 10, Timberline, Timberline B, Invoice.XML or Invoice.BCL.


Because eFinancials and ePO can appear on the same menu and are both available to eFinancials users, permission setup must be completed carefully. Refer to Effect of Purchasing for more information.



Click to display a preview report of the transfer file.

Create File

Click to create the transfer file and report. The transfer creates a CYMA Version 10, Timberline, Timberline B, Invoice.XML or Invoice.BCL file, based on the selection made on the global policy Other Tab. Look for this file in the Export Folder, which is in the eFinancials Web folder that is contained in the AMSI Web folder where AMSI is installed.

Sort By

Select a sort option from the drop-down list. The following sorts are possible: Vendor ID, Vendor Name. This field functions only when the file format is INVOICE.BCL. The transfer file and report sort in the order you select.

Email Transfer File

Click this option if you want the system to email the transfer file to the contact responsible for handling accounts payable for your business.

Email To

Type the email address of the contact responsible for handling accounts payable for your business.

Subject for Email

Type a free-form subject line for the email. Your entry appears on the Email Files Tab. After creating the file, you must send the file to the user who is responsible for processing the file.

PDF Format

Select this option to print in PDF format. For more information, refer to Report Printing Options.

Create Spreadsheet

Select this option to print in an Excel spreadsheet. For more information, refer to Report Printing Options.

Note: Invoices to unapproved vendors will not be transferred.

This display-only reminder appears when the option Transfer unapproved vendor data is not selected on the global polices Other Tab. If the option is selected, this note does not display and invoices for unapproved vendors are included in the transfer file and report.


Click to exit without saving changes.


Click to start the transfer. If you selected Preview, a preview report of the transfer file displays. If you selected Create File, the system creates the transfer file and displays the report.

See Also

Transfer Errors

Accounts Payable Introduction

Reports Introduction

ePO Introduction

Data Transfer Introduction