Date of Record

When you import transactions into eFinancials, the import file includes a date of record and an accounting period for each transaction included in the import file. As you approach the close of one period and the opening of another, the potential for a conflict exists because different applications can have different calendars with different closing dates. To resolve conflicts, eFinancials changes dates of record to force transactions into the correct periods.

Click and review the following example to see the dates of record and accounting periods that are possible.


eSite has the following periods set up:

—Period 4/2007 running from March 26, 2007 to April 25, 2007.

—Period 5/2007 running from April 26, 2007 to May 25, 2007.

eFinancials has the following periods set up:

—Period 4/2007 running from April 1, 2007 to April 30, 20007.

—Period 5/2007 running from May 1, 1007 to May 31, 2007.

Export/Import 1

On April 25, transactions dated April 15 through April 25 are exported from eSite. The export includes dates of record between April 15 and April 25 and places the transactions in period 4/2007.

On that same day, these transactions are imported into eFinancials. The import includes the same dates of record and places the transactions in period 4/2007. The transaction dates of record and accounting period match the calendar in eFinancials and no conflict exists.

Export/Import 2

On April 30, transactions dated April 26 through April 29 are exported from eSite. The export includes dates of record between April 26 and April 29 and places the transactions in period 5/2007.

On that same day, these transactions are imported into eFinancials. The import includes the dates of record and places the transactions in period 5/2007. A conflict exists because period 4/2007 is still open in eFinancials. To resolve the conflict and place the transactions in period 5/2007 in eFinancials, eFinancials changes the dates of record on transactions to May 1, 2007. Changing the dates of record causes transactions to appear in the correct period in eFinancials.

See Also

Import and Export Overview